Burroughs - HP BV4647 C7 B87 1670

l3'v The rare Jel!'el of Chriftiah Cqntent~enr. 'fuhkb .unto theCrmgregat•ion and ma~e an atontm~~; for tbem,for • 1 here ,is ·-;:r.rath gone. out (ro!1' the Lord,tlu plaguds begun; mark ·howGods wrath IS kmdkd;m tpe 41 .y~r.f~ th_):Coqgregation had murmured; and·thex .mmmured but agait)f! ·Mofe!• and A11ro13, . per~aps you ~murmur more direet:ly- . ag~inH God and that wa~ · :lgatnH God in murmuring acrainft Gods Minifiers, it was a:. . g~infl: God but not fo dHeetly 7 but it may be the murmuring '?t your hearts is more direclly ~gainfi Gods dealing with you : 1-f you murmur againfl: thofe that God ma~es ioftruments, becaufe you have not every thing that yo!:. would have) ' as again{} ¥our Governors or fuc.h and fuch that are publick iuO:ruments, ·Hs againH God ; it was but againt1: Mofes and Aaron that the lftaelires m'amured, and they [aid that Mcfes and Aaron .had k1lled the people of the' Lor,d though it was the hand of ,Gcd that was n·Jon them for their former wickedoefs, in murmuring: le is ufual for wicked vile hearts to deal thus 1vitb God, that when Gods hand is alitle upoH them for to murmur a~ain and again, and fo to bring upon tbemfelves even infinite 1und of evils? but now the anger of God ~vas quickly kindled, Oh faitb Mofes, Go, take the Cenfer quickly for wrath is gone out from Jehovah, the plague is begun: fo while you are murmuring in yom families, the lytath of God may quickly go t out (gainfl: you, quiddy -in a{DOrtlingor evening,. when you'.re .a urmuring, the wrath of God may come · quickly out upon ur families or perfons, you are never fo prepared for pre fent rath as ~vhen you are in a murmuring difcontented fir,_ thofe hat fiand by and fee you in a murmuring difcontented fit , ' ·have caufe to fay, Oh let !.lS go and take the Cenfer, let us go to prayer, for w.e are afraid that ivrath is gone out againO: this family, againfi this perfon. And it were a very good . thing foi thee that art a Godly wife when you fee your hu~band -come bGme and fall to murmuring becaufe things go not ·accor.ding to his defire, to go to prayer and fay, Lord pardqn the :fin of my husbar:d ; and fo for ~he hus~and to go tQ God in prayer falling down and bcfeecbmg of l:um that wra~h may n~t come out againfi his family for the ~urmurmg of h1s wife. And the truth is, at this day t~ere bath been (at · Jeaftlately) as much murmmirg in ··England as cYer was - ' and . ....