Burroughs - HP BV4647 C7 B87 1670

5:; The rare Jewel of Cbrifli~Zn Contentment. the Church is 'like to be in here in this world ; this docb no fpeak of Heaven: and that appears plainly that this is not fpoken of Heaven,but of a glorious eAate th.lt the Church !hall be .in here, in this )Vodd, for it follows prefently in-' the 24.. and :16~ - verfes7 t1~d t/;ey(fpeaking .of the Ktngs of the earth:) And the Kings of the umh do bring their glory and holJOr u~to it: Why, the Kings of the Earth !hall not bring· their glory and honor into Heaven; b1o1t this is fucb a time wfien the Kings of the Earth (ball bring in th~ir glory and honor to the Church. And in the 16. verfe, .And t_hey J!Ja/1 bring the glory ,;nd honor ~J the Nation into it; theretore 1t mufl needs be meant her.e in Ibis world and AOt in heaven.Now if there be fllch a time here in this world, that God !hall be All in All, that in no comparifon there tball be no fuch need of Creatures as now there is, rh en the-Saints lhould labour to live as neare that life as polftble ~hey can; 'that is to make up ,all in God:Oh ·that you wouJdbu t mind this myllery~, that it may be a realty to the !learts of the Saints in fuch times as thefe are,they would find this priviledge, that they get byGrace,to be worth thoofancds of worlds:hcn€e is that of JAciJb that Imentioned in ano!her cafe,it is remarkable~ and,Gmesin fully here, in Gm. 33, that notable fpeech of'J4• cob_wben his brother E{tw did meer him,yc find in one place, that Ef.w he refu[ed Jacobs pref:ent, in the g verfe, when 1acob gave his prefent to him, he refufed it,and told ]4cob that foie had enough; lrh.tt mutneft than by .t/1 this drov : r~hhh I mm? .And he[11iJ, Th-e[e ~tre to find gr~tU in thy Jii,bt. And Efau [Aid I ha11e mougb. Now m the 1-1 verfe there 1acob urges it 4\iU,(and faith J11c~b~ I befucb t~u t.t~e-. it,for I hAve tnolig~; now m your books 1t JS the fame mEnghfu,I h.roe mough(faxtb E{aN;) ana I have enoHgh(faitb J.~cob:)but in the Hebrew ]4cobs word is different fromEf~t;/s,Jae~bs word i1gnifies,I hAve 411 things. and yet J;~cob was poorer than E[~tH.Oh this lhould be a iliame to us, tha.t an Eft~~ fhguld fay, I have enough ; bu~ ' gow a ehrilli-an tbould fay, I haye not only enougb;bat I h11vr A/1:. ho" bath he aH? Becav.fe be hath God that is All;And it was a notable fpeecb of one: Hr bAth ~tll things, thiit h.tth hiw that h11th aLL things. Surely thou hafl all things becaure . :tbou ·haLlb1m (Br thy ~ortion, vvbo bath all things : God hath • all'