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16 0 Mr. Watron's fore-noon Sermon, Exod.37. 23. tholewho by their calling are toreprove, and fnuffoff the fins ofothers,they fhould be pure goldsholy perfons, in the Law of God did appoint the lip of the Leoper thould becovered, he ought to have his lip covered, he fhould not be permitted to fpeak the Oraclesof God, who though he be by office an Angel, yet by life is a Leoper. Thirdly, See from hence the happinefs of a Minifter, who is placed among fuch a people as give him abundant caufe of love : How happy is he that can fay to his people from his heart, 'Aylorif- 701) dry dear, beloved: And here let me fpeak by way of encourage- ment toyoti of this Para : I find St. Paul commending the good he faw in his people, i Theft: 1. 3. We are bound to thank, Godalways foryoubeloved, becaule your faithgrows exceedingly. HerePaul is com- mending his people ; in imitation of the ApoIlle, let me at this time fpeak a commendatory wordto you ; I have exercifed my. Miniftrynow among you for almoft fixteenyearynd I rejoyce,and bids God that I cannot fay, The more I love you, the lets I am loved; I have received many fignal demonftrations of love' from you : though other Parifhes have exceeded you in number ofhoufes, yet I think not for ftrength of affe&ion. Ihave with much com- fort obferved your reverent attentions to the word preached; you rejoyeed in this light not for a feafon, but to this day ; Ihave ob- ferved your zeal againft errour, and as much as could be expe&ed in acritical time, your unitieand amitie ; this is your honour : and if for the future there. fhould be any interruption made in my rniniftrie amongyou, though Mould not be permitted to preach to you, yet Mall not ceafe to love you,/ and to pray for you ; but why fhould therebe any interruption made? where is the crime ? Some indeed fay, that weare disloyal and feditious: beloved, what my a&ingsand fiifferings for his Majeftie have been, is known not to a few of you, but however we mutt go to heaven through good report and bad report, and it is well if we can get glory, though we pals through the pikes. I {hall endeavour that I may (till ap- prove the finceritie ofmy love to you,/ will not promife that I (hall Ainpreach amongyou, nor will /fay that I (hall not, Idefire to be guided by the filver thred. of Gods Word, and of Gods provi- dence ; my heart is toward you: there is, you know,an expreflion in the late AEt,that we fhould be now fhortly,as ifwe were natural- lydead; and ifImuft die,let me leave forne legacie withyou before I go from you : /cannot but giveyou force counfel and advice for your fouls,and I hope there is no hurt in that.There are,my belay- -tcl,thefe twentie direZtions,that Idefire you to take fpecial notice of which