Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

a Chap. I I. An 6xpofition tepon the Took of J O B. Verf. i 8. ging is put for the whole fer®ice of his life , LA, 16. the unjufl fleward whenhe feared to be called tò an account queries with him{èlf, Whatpall I doe ? for my Lord tcaketh away my flew- ardfkip ; Icannot dig that is ,: I know not how to put my felf to any-labour, or calling, efpecially to a calling of hard labour, and I am afiamed to beg , what will become ofme ? But what pri- viledge is there in this that he fhoulddig? I anfwer firfi , It is a mercy tohave a calling. But feeondly , 'When it is laid 'DLit _Pale dig ; he means two things futher. Firfl , thou (Bait thrive and profper in thy calling; Thou (halt gainby digging. Secondly, Thou .(Halt be fafe in thy calling , thou (halt digwithout fear or danger, without let or hinderance. When Jobsef}atewa; fur= prized, his fervants were force plowing, other keeping (beep, all at work, Now it is promifed that he and his (hall dig in quiet - neffe. To clear which fenfe , we may connect the later clauf"e of the verfe (which I have propofed and (hall open as a third di- flinc`r priviledge) with this. Thou (halt digabout thee , and thou fhalt refl in fafety ; That is, in labour thou (halt have refi, or, the rat of fafety (hall be thy portion, in all the motions of thy la- bour. Hence Obferve, It is agreat bleffing when we freely enjoy the exercife ofour cal-, lings. It is our duty to have a calling, and it is a mercy to goon pro fitably andpeaceably in it. There are force (though I cannot much appr >ve the inter; preration) who expound that (Cant.7. i .) where Chrifl fpeaks to the Church, Flowbeautiful are thy feet with (boss? to this fenfe, thy feet are beautiful in thy calling ; when a man bath his (hoes on, he is fit for bufineffe and his feet are never fo beautiful as when he is at honefl bulineffe ; As the Saints have a fpiritual and heavenly calling, in which they dealwith'Chrifl and trade to- wards heaven : So Chrifi will have them imployed in earthly cal- lings and maintain dealings with men ; one calling honours and fupports the other ; our general callinggets a bleffingupon the fpecial , and in our fpecial callings we have occafian to thew forth our ver aes and graces , and fo to honour our general cal-. ling : It is a high commendation when we can fay to a Chrif}ian, How beautiful are thyfeet with fives ? . that is , thou art holy when thou art about worldly things, as well as when thou art about V z Spiritual 47