Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. t2. An Expofation upon the BookofJOB. Verf. 5. 18,E can give thee proofofit, the eyes offilch are bleft,andrefefiot with the define of ï'hcir eyes ; theyfee what they molt defire,profperity in their dwellings. The Tabernaclesof Robbersprofper, and they that provoke God arefecare, into whefe hand God bringeth abundantly. Thus the oppofition 'lands in thefe two Verfes, as they are an anfwer to what Zophar had promifed as theportion of the righ- teous, and threatned as the lot of wicked men. He thm is ready. That is,he that is very neer flipping. The Hebrew (Vachon) Prequens eft in lignifies tobe prepared or difpofed, yea to be deftinated to fuck s`r'P:ura ufur a purpofe, it lignifies alfo to be fixed and fetled (Pfal.to8.) veep; tt7 pre O God, my heart is fixed, or, myheart is ready. He that is ready tfr od d fdif, to flip, is, as it were, fixed to flip, he is fet in a Bate wherein he natos. cannot stay. All men in the world are in an unfetled elate, in a flippery condition, but force are in a more flippery condition, than others ; They are (as we fay) next door to deftrudion, within a ftepof danger, ready to tumble and fall from the pin- adeof their profperity. There are preparationsfor ruin as well asfor riling. He that is ready To flip with his feet. There is a.two -fold flipping with the feet fpoken of in Scri-'yO Nutavit; pture. &ratio pedum Firft, There is a flipping into fin; of that David fpeaks,Pfal. denotatruinam, 73.2. As for me, myfeet were Arnegon, my rteps had well nigh cajum steer= flipt, when Ifaro the profperity ofthe wicked, that is, I had almoft film, dj firmá- finned, I was tempted tohard thoughtsofGod andof his waies, tar pedum con: as he explains himfelfat the i 3th. Verfe of that Pfalm, chewing fiantem return what the flip was, Then fad1, verily I have cleanfedmy heart fecundarum in vain,andwafhed my hands in innocency; This was the thingheJiatum. was ready to fall into,to look upon all his labour,as loft labour, as labour in vain,which he had bellowed in attendance upon the duties of holinefs and repentance. Secondly, Slipping with the feet, is to fall into affliction. When we decay and decline in honour, credit, riches, and pof- felÌions, we may be faid tohave got a flip. 'ris aproverbial fpeech, and we finde it frequent in Scripture ; his foot (hall flip, that is, he hhall down, his Rate fhall change. Méfes defcribes the Lord thus fpeaking of his enemies (Dèsor. 32.35.) To me B b 2 belongeth