Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. I r. An expoRion upon the Book, of J O B. Verf. 6. ------r__ AS But We need not reduce Zophars text to thefe ftraits ; but en- large it to the whole revealed will of God , which is often called the Law of God. The Hebrew particle-affixednoteth a relation, Double according to, or, by the meafure ofthe law. As ifhe had laid, Thou haft narrow thoughts of God , and ofhis fecret wifdome in Duulieia ti , afflifting thee , but according to law thy affliflions might be dou- sonventunt,i.e bled upon thee,. God might make his little finger heavier then his uupliciaa úan loins have been. To this fenfe Mr. Broughton tranflates, And thatpattaris, jnxta thoufhouldfl have double byjuflice. aquitatis nor- Hence obferve, ntam.Alerc. There is more righteoufneffe in the lawof Clod then max is able to comprehend. As there is more mercy in the Gofpelihen we are able to corn= prehend (no man ever law into the depths of that mercy) fo there is more holineflein the law then we are able to compre- hend. No man ever taw into the depths of that righteoufneffe. There is an infinite holineffe in the law (`7'fal, i 19. 96.) 1 have feenan endofall perfet ion,but thy commandment is exceeding broad;. He fpeakss not in the concrete, I have teen an end of perfef things, but in the abftraft, An end of perfeltion, andofall perfefion, I have come to the out-fide or to the very bottome of all (a mane may foon travell thorow all the perfeftions that are in the world, and either fee their end , or fee that theyrkl end) Wut.thy com- mandment is exceeding broad., that is, it is exceedingly broader. then any of thefe perfeftions , I cannot fee the end ofit ; and I' know it (hall never have an end. There is a vaftnes of purity and fpiritualnes in the law. Some narrow it up into a (mall corn- pafhe, The Pharifees of old with .their poor impure fpirits and groffe imaginations , ftraightned the Law into their model and made it very narrow : They thought no man brake the Law; which faith, Thou(halt doeno murder, but he that cut his brothers throat; That no man brake the Law that forbiddethadultery, but he that affially defiled his neighbours wife, &c. But when (:thrill opened the myfieries of the Law , he (hewed fecrets of wil dome there. Hisdoftrine affureth, That a Juftfull thought is a vi- olation of.that commandment, Thou fhalt not commit adultery ; That an angry thought is a breach of that Commandment , Thou 'halt not kill. Thus the Law is ofa vafl compafle. I ( faith Paul) was once alive without the law (Rom. 7. 9.) I thought my felf a brave man, I was fome body my confcience never t_roubled me, I G 3 . kne,,v