Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

;SeFi.9. Ifwevvill4. uoide Sataas importunitie, we mull imploy our relues in holyexer.cijes, vlaab, z s.4 716 Ofthègenera!1rneanes tarvithtand ourfiirituallenemies. but concerning Chrifis righteoufnes,merit,and the fufficien.., cie and efficacieofhis deathand obedience, for the faluation of all repentant (inners which doe applie them vino them- 1 felues bya lively faith:and therefore wemayaffureour felues he \,rill defend his owne cattle againfi all Satans obie &ions and imputations. But ifSatan continue his importunitie, and will admit of no-anfwere,we areas much as invs lieth tobanifh his temp tations out ofour mindes, and not to thinke andmeditate on them : and to this endwee are continually toexercife our felues in feruent praier,defiring the Lords gratious affifiance whereby wee maybe inabled to withfiand ail the affaults of our enemie, as alto to heare, reade and meditate inGods word,anddiligently tovfe holie conferenceswithour Chri f}ianbrethren, and painfullie to imploy our felues in the worker of;our callings,thatfovvemayhaue no leafure to in- tertaine Satans temptations.For as aveffell which is alreadie full can receiue no more, and whatfoeuer is powred there- into fpilleth vpon the ground : fo when our mindes are re plenifhed with holie thoughts, and occupied in godlie and hone(+ exercifes , there is no roome left for Satans fugge- fiions, and therefore as bone as theyoffer to enter,wee pre- fently reie& them. Whereas on the other fide ifwee fpend our times in idlenes,and donot diligently exercifeour felues in the duties ofChriflianitie, and ofour feuerall callings; then are our minds fit grounds to receiue the feeds ofSatans temptations and to nourifh them till theybring foorth the , fruites of finite : and if Satan findevs like emptie houles cleane fwept and voide of all holie meditations andgodly exercifes, hee will eafily enter,and if himfelfebe not lirong f, enoughhe will take veto him feuen other fpiritsworfe than himfelfe,that fo hee maybe more firongto keepe poífeflion. Ifthereforewee wouldnot be ouercome bySatans tempta- tions,let vs beware ofidlenes; for when theminde is emptie of thatwhich is good,,it is moil fit to receiue,that which is euill. But ifSatans temptationsb'eatany time entertained into our mindes, let vsmoll carefully take heed thatwec'doe not fifer