Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

, That allthegoer& ireaffaultedwith tentations. Satans temptations, and goemourning vnder the burthen. offnne all the day long ; fuppofingeither that they are in Satanspower, and haue more grieuouflie finned then other men 'or that they aremad and frantick fo ro vexe thenifelues with fuch needelefhe forrow. But let fuch menknow,that of all others their 'late is moll dangerous, for they are grie- uouflie fcke,andhaue no fenfe oftheirdifeafe,their wounds are fo mortall that they dcpriue them of all feeling ; they are affaulted,yea taken prifoners whilcfl they fleepe foundly in fecuritie,anddifcernenot the approchof the enemie.Non ergo repugnant, quay f impuunariignorant : Theymakeno re- finance, becaufe theyare ignorant oftheaflult. And what can bee more dangerous then tohaue the encmie approch and lay hands on vs beforewe aware ? But this is the fate Fihrellk , ofthole men for as one faith,Tummaximèimpusnantur,cum fe impugnari nefcíunt : They are moli affaulted when they feele no affault.Let them know, that they are not the Lords fouldiers but the diuels reuellers, and therefore he fighteth not againfl thembecaufe they arehis friends. For therewas -newer any :ofChrif}s fouldiers in the Militant Churchwhich haue not Been txercifed in this warfare; therewas neuer any fo f}rong in faithbutSatan durf} encounter him,euen the A- pbífles,yeae4dain'in the fiate ofinnocency,yeaour Sauiour Chrifì himfelfe; there were newer any fo confiant in the courfeofÇhrif}ianitie, but the world bath fought todraw them out ofthe right way byher baites ofprofperitie, or to force them to finiteby threatning aduerfitie ; there were ne- wer any that haue had ,in them one fparke of Gods fpirit (Chriftexcepted) who haue not felt it affaulted and often foiledby the fiefh.For theflefh luitethagain li thef7»rit,andthe firitagainfl theflefh, andtheyare contrarie theone to theother, Galas. 5.a7;.; as itis Galath.5.1y. Yea the Aponte Paulhimfelfe whenhe. Rom.;7.23. vvas mof} fanefified,fauvanother lam in his members rebellinga- gainft the lamofhas minde,leading him captiue to the lain offn, as appeareth Rom.7.2 3. It is not therefore -their flrength.offaith, but theircarnali fecurity which foluiieth them afleepe in the cradle ofworld- 1yyanities that they cannotdifc.erne thisfight; it is not their peace