Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

# r OfSatanrpolicie.. 43 c'ircumuent vs. AnexampleWhereofwe haue in our 6rfpa- rents, who though theywere more wife by creation thane- tier were any liuing (Chriu1 excepted) yet when theycall the wordofGodbehinde their backe, giuinggmore credit toSo- tans fuggeftions, and withall tranfgreífed Gods common- dement ;their wifedome was turned into ignorance and fol- lie,and theybecame an eafie pray to their malitious enemie. And whereas they thought by that meanes to haue gonebe- yond the Lord inpolicie, arid tohaue obtained a farregrea- ter meafiire Of 'knowledge and glorie.,.they were in.-flead thereofbefotted with follie, and ouerwhelmedwith igno- minieand fhame, bybeingmade the bondflaues offinneand Satan. And thus alto the heathen neglec`ling the true wor- fhip of God, and giuing themfelues to idolatrie, became Rom.1.22 fooles, whilefl theyprofeffed themfelucs very wife, as the Apoftle witneífeth, Roma.22.for the Lord de.>`lroyeth the 1vifedonse ofthe wife, and cafteth away thevnderïtandingof the; prudent, as it is a.Cor.t.r9. Seeing then our chicle wifedome confifleth in the fludie ofGods word,and invprightneffeof heart,integritie, Chri- flian finceritie and fimplicitie, and in a holy careofperfor mingobedience to Gods will, let vs therefore continually meditate in Gods word, and with the Prophet Dauidmake Pralm,ta.y;. it our counfellor,Pfalm.i r9.. And whenfoeuer Satan .doth affault and temptvs to fanne let vs haue recourfe to this our counfeílor the word ofGod, there inquiring: whether that whereunto We are temptedbe lawfull or no ; and if it tell vs that it is a Panne, let vswith all care and confcience. auoide it : for though Satan lay ouer it never ío faire a gloffe, and ìntice vs to the committingthereof, byofferingvnto vs the greatefl pleafures,riches andhonours ofthe world, yet letvs allure our felues that he thereby feeketh to circumuent vs; and to purchafe worldly vanities, he inticethvs to fell our foules; and therefore in Chriflian wifedome.let vs auoide hisllratagems, .