Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

if M w Ofthefpirittsall#s mmour; .45 layafide thecarnali weapons ofSaul, which are altogether isam.!7. ;ß: vnfit for a Chriftian,feruing rather toburthen and fo hinder 44. him,than to defend and further him in this fpiritual combat; andwe are togoagainft him in thenameofthe Lord,ftreng- thened in thepower ofhis might,puttingon vs the armour ofGod,that is,fuch diuine and fpirituall armour as the Lord bath giuen and appointedvs to vfe. For it is not fufficient that we prepare vs thisannour,ifwe let it lieby vs,or fuller it (as it were)to hangupon the walles, there to ruft without vfe; but we are to put it on, and keepe it fait buckled vetovs both night and day, that weemay beaiwaies in areadines to endure the atfault of-our enemies. Neither is it enough that we put on one peece of the ar- 4.Seci.2. mour, and like young fouldiers leaueoff the refi forlightnes That vvemuff fake, or elfe through foole-hardines to Phew needles valour; Put on the we mutt not put on the helmet offaluation, and leaue offthe noura Gods breafl-plate ofrigghteoufnes, nor take vnto vs the girdle of of . and the ílüéid offaith, and cafi away from vs the fword ofthe Spirit,but we are to put on the wholearmour of God,and like valiant fouldiers, whomeane indeede to ftand to it,wee are to arme our feluesat all points in compleat ar- mour ofproofe,which will keepevs from fleeing, and our e- nemie fromouercomming. For ifwe takenone ofthe Chri- 4iian armour,or but fome ofthe lighteft parts,ifwee take the (hieldoffaith,and leaue behindevs thebreaft-plate of righ- teoufües,we (hal either defperately fight &be ouerth rowne in thebattaile, or elfecowardlie runne away and forfake the field.But on the other fide,ifwe buckle vntovs the whole ar- mourofGod,we (hall not need to flee away forfeare,being fo well defended; nor to doubt ofvi6tory,for we (hall furely ouercome; the Lord hauing giuen, and weehauing recei- tied thisarmour to this end, as the Apofile noteth vnto vs in thefe words;thatyou may be able to ilandagainff the affaults .ofthediuell, or his treacherous ambufhments, as the word here vied, fignifieth. So that the Lord hathgiuenvs this ar- mour,andwe put it on ,to the end that we maybe enabled to refift Satan; and thereforePeeing it is armour ofGods owne makingandbeflowing,we may affure our.felues that he will z1ot: