Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

Worldlymifedomee is tobecontemned. 89 ned with worldly contempt, efpeciallywhen it is accompa- nied with the croffe; thinking it great madneffe to contend much for religion; to leaue their Prince, to follow the truth; and to hazard their preferments in the world, which they haue alreadicin poffeflion, for fore bare promifes (as they account them) ofbetter things in the world to conic. It bringeth not with it fo much asworldly ioyandpleafure,but rather vexation of fpirit, andmuch heauineffe. And as the Wifeman faith,who had moll experience ofit ; In themulti- tudeofreifdome it muchZriefe,astd hethat increaf thknesledfe increafeth furrow: for he is fill iealous ofhis Bate, and al.. waies readie to calldoubts :hebathmore skill in forefeeing euils, then in preuenting them ; and long before they come hedoth anticipate themwith his feare and care; gricuing longbefore the caufe ofgriefeapprocheth,and making him- feife prefently miferable, becaufe hee expedieth miferie irr time to come; yea and oftentimes he thus torm,nteth him- felfe with a fhadow, and through falfe feare indureth true forrow, the euill which he feared and expedied neuer happe- ningvntohim : but if the euill which hefeareth cotnmeth, then towhat end ferueth this worldly wifdome,but tomake it giueadeeper woundwithouer vehement apprehenfion ? to gather arguments to amplifie his griefe, and with the waightofopinion, to makehis burthenmore intollerable ? 'whereas thofewhole wit hath a {hotter reach ; lay not hold ofmiferiesbefore they touch them, nor complaine of more then they fentîbly felle ; and oftentimes fhadowes of ill groundedhopes,bring vntothemfortheprefent ,fubflanti - Seli.2o. all comfort. Againe, thisworldly wifdomepuffethmenvp withpride, w ich worldlyto and maketh them to haue an ouerweening conceitoftheir wildomeplus. owne excellencie; fo that it is a thing as rare as ablacke gethmen. Swan, to finda manbothworldly wife and truly humble.To ['aide difacile which purpofe one faith, that it ìs hard tofind onesrho concei- eftyr ti qu: je linghimfelfe wife , redsecethhis mindto humilitie, and eitherbe- mac ee t em ad leeneth chafe who informe him in the truth, or layette afide his bumilitatem owneperuerfe meaning andopinion. And this pride is ioyned redricat,&c. withrebellionagainfl God,forwhen they thinke themtelues Gregor.moral. too lib.ib. cap. 2,7.