Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

That theworld isa molldangerous enemie. 17 crifice oftheir lips, and take vpon them the vizardofreli- gion,thattheir Phew ofgodiineffemay increafe their gaine, and let forward their worldly ends; but when God and the world,religionand their pleafure,proficand preferment, are fo diuided,that they cannot togetherbeimbraced,then they vnmask thcmlelues,cafl afide the Lords liuerie ; andopenly profeffe that iftheymull haue but one,then the world alone (hall be their Lord and matter. And all there proclaime the worlds force and power by 4,ge .lo. their vtter ouerthrow and bafeflauerie. But how manyare 7 hat tbemorid there betides who in the finceritieof their hearts ferne the often preuaiiras Lord,andfight veder his flanderd,whofeele often the force with Godsfer. ofthe worlds blowes, and recciue deepe and grifly, though uauts not mortal! wounds, in this confliól? How many are there who having efcaped out ofthe diuels flauerie, andhad the vpper hand in many combatsoftentation, after they haue put him to flight,and obtained a glorious viólorie, are pur- fuedand ouertaken by the world, which encountring and clofing fall withthem, either calleth themdowne, or grie- uoufly foileth them, by wounding their confciences with fome knowne finne,or maketh them to (land Hill, or at!call exceedingly hindreth their race in the courle ofChrilliani.. tie?Howmany are there who haue loft their firf loue, and Are much abated intheir zeale,becomming cold and neg- ligent in the duties ofGods feruice, and in the workes of mercie and charitie towards their brethren, after that the world hath combated with them? Andyetalas fo fecure we are,that though thisenemie be much more dangerous and pernicious,.then Satan h imfelf,ouercomming more through his treacherous flatteries,thenhis grand captaine byhis o- penviolence,yet themoll thinke not ofit,asofamortal foe, but as though it were akinde friend, they impart vnto it a great (hare in their loue and affe&ion, efleeming it about Gods fpirituall graces whilefl they haue it, and mourning with forrow and bitter griefe when they are forced to part from it. And howfoeuer they profeffe emnitie againfl the world, as being commonly reckoned foroneofthe enemies of ourfaluation, yet !their quarrel! is but againfl an idle C name.: