Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A T.S. The firsl Commandtnsent. Ire refpc6t of all thefe things that hitherto hauebeene deliuered,the LawofGod is called the Morall Law : for there is a four-fold confideration of the Law of God. One as it is an abfolute and perfcét comprchenfron of all duties vvhatfoeuer , whereupon it bath the name of the Morall Law. Another ,as it is the Image and Sampler, whereunto men and Angels were created inall-Wifdomc and Holinefle at the beginning. And fo k is properly termed the Lazy,of 7atttre. The third , as it contayneth thecoumant ofworkes. In which regard , Paid is wont for the moil part to terme it the Larv, and fometirnes the c Law ofWorkes..The Iatl,as it is a rule and direó ion for renewed Holinrffe, or the workes of Grace and SanStij. cation. And in that fence, lohncalleth it the new. Lan' or Commandement, I.lohn 2.8. But thé Morali Law is it which here wee treate of, whereunto for the Reafons afore-fail , thefe properties are afcribed FirCt, It is a Light vnto our feete, and a Lanterne voto our fleps , as it is in Pfaf. 119. Io4. Salomon f all() in the Pro, orties For the Corrmandementis a Lanterne, C7c. the Laws Light, guiding our Reps aright in thole firaigh wayes wherein wee are to wallte. And hereof theCom- mandements of God. are laid to be firaig,ht and right, The g Commandements of I r H O.V A H arc right ; There- fore h Iaccot nt all thine Ordinances right in all things. So loth Salomon proclayre in hi. i Prowerbs, that by the words of Wifedome which. there beevttcrcth , bee will guide vs in the paths ofrightneffe. Secondly, It is, a good and a holy Law, as the Apo(lle to the kRomanes callr th it , That goon' will ofGod. And D a.v i D , 1Thy Laip.'s sregood. Being therefore good, it is in it felfe acceptable vowGod, and maketh thofe that doe it, accepted to him. Whereupon the fame Apo- tllç m there talleth it, That acceptable will ofGod. Coi,. trariwife Pinne peraserteth the f raight wages of the. L6A: ". 142 e Rant.)27 g P'.P.r9 9. h Pfal.119.ie6 Pio 431. lr Róne,ts.s. PI:lit t9.3'...