Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

1er.z.T9 o Pro.rS z6. p Plar3.6 r Reuel.zr.z7. fGoi,SxT. t Heb.4.9. a Mat.zz.3o. x Colu(j:3.1o.2'a (:4.x4. Y Ex04.34z7 z,Cor. j 7 as Peter fpeaketh, e/lcis 13.Io. And therefore it is euill andnaught. Know n andfee ( faith I E R E M I E) that it is an evil] andbitter thing , that thou forfakeîl I E H o v A H, And this is the conrr,on Epithite which the Scripture gitteth vn.tofnne , which being naught ,tnaketh vs odi- ous and hatefull vntoGod : Euill thoughts are an abo- mination to IE H O V A H. Thole P hateff all the workers of iniquitre. Thirdly, Tt is a el perfeci Law, commanding all good, and forbidding all euill. Fourthly, It is an eternal] Law, without limitation of time or place, gluing a tnofi' abfolute 8t. perfe8 direaion for all ages and times of the World, beforeand fince the Fall, and binding to a perpetuall obl'eruation ofit. Soin the r Revelation wee finde , That novncleane thing , nor which doth abomination or ]yes 11,41enter into the new Ie_ rufalem. And Paultelleth the f Galathians, 7'heywhich doefuck things, (theworkes of the fefh there reckoned vp)fhall not inherit theKingdomeofGod:for which caufe, the definition not ofFighteoufneffe onely, but of euery Commandement is fo fitted,as the fame may be a perpe- tuall rule to ferne all times and perlons whatfoeuer : for albeit fome fpcciall duties of certaine Commandements (hall ceafe when wee come toHeaven ; yet the fubflance ofcueryone remayneth : there (hall bee no Seuenth day let apart veto Gods Seruice : for all Eternìtie of time flail be taken vp for ir , and a t perpetual] Sabbath ; no vfeofMarriage but u puritie and perfeóion , like to the holy Angels.And the like is tobe faid ofthe other Corn. mandements : for feeing the Image of God, witneffe the XApofile,fiandeth in righteoufnef ewm/Holis-effe, which are the two branches of the Law , it riult needes tye vs with an euerlafiing loue , whowere firfi made in that likeneffe, and whole perfeaion in Heauen is to bee fully td perfealy renewed thereunto : which perpetuitieof -rail Lawwas Y noted,by ingrauingof iti_n hone. But