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148 7'hefirft Booke ofI3iuinitie, CH A P. 5. Piety,which are the parts,lae putteth Sobriety,or Sound- neße of mind, as the forme that is to hold in both, t.7irrr 1.2. he diuideth it intoPietie or Godlines and Honefl;ie. Sometimes in Read of Pietie , you (hall find the terms of Holineffe, which is all one : s That being delittered out of the hands ofour enemies ,wee might f erne him in holine f e and righteoufneffe. `Put on h the newman which according to God is created in true rigbteoufnef fe andholinefe : but i yee haue denied that holy and lull one. H ER O D k did reue -. rence I o x N,knowing hswas a iurfl,anda holy man.Tee 1 are witneffes, andGod, how holly, and inFfy, andvnblaame46l we were coaiaterfant amongyou that 6eleesse. Fie m t hat is Sufi, let himbecome more jail : hethat is holy, let him becomeyet more holy. According to this diui(ion of our Sauiour Chriff, wee commonly call thefe two, The fsrfi and the fecond Table, as they were at the firfl deliucred of Cod to Mofes. The fumme of the firfiTablc is,Thoufhalt eare the Lord thy Godwith ad thy heart (ormind) andwithall thyfoule,. and with al thy might. Arad to this Table the foure firft Commandements doe belong.The femme of the fecond is, Thou /alt lease thy neighbour as thy fclfe. And to this Table the fixe lati Commandements dot belong; for all which, our Sauiour Chrifi himfelfe is our warrant, who calleth thefe two, The fir andTempi Coffman, dements. The fumme ofthe ñrfi Commandement is , That we haue God to be our God. So it is expreffed in the Com_ mandement it felfc,Thoufhalt haueno other Gods before my face. The afñrmatiue whereof is,Thoes/halt haue me tobe thy Cod. The contrarie of this hauingof God tobe our Cod,is,firfi,that which the Pfalmill o noteth,7he wicked arefo proud,theyfeekenot after god. Againfi v,vhich, p Apt made a Law , That if any would not feeks after God, hee fhould die. econdly,Atheifine; in denyingGod, orrisproperties, g Luke I.7S. h Ephef: 4.24. i Acis 3. r.}. k Mark. 6.2.o. s.The,(, au ReN., klatt.ia 37. Retie is, ofthe immediate du- ties to God; whereof this is the whole, that we haue God ro be our God.,q. p z,Chro,1p.73. as