Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

handled in this Doke. Firfi , of the effngels, fotne onely fell; but à great multitude. One (theScripture namethhim Satan, or the Dena) the chicle Ring- leader of the refl. . TheG'urfe vpon them,is the fulneffe of Gods Wrath; which falling vpon a bare Creature, not able to beare the brunt ofit, crufheth himdowne into Dell for euer. And this eflate is called Damnation, drawing with it the full height and top of all Iniquitie , hatred of God, obainate Vnrepentance, finali Defperation, and fuch like. Notwithflanding , it picafeth God many times to fend them force releafe out of that Dungeon., fuf fering them to dwell in the Ayre, and to roame the- rowout the World , that fo they maybe Infiruments to werke his pleafure here among vs. All this, till a Day appointed, which wee call the Latter Day, when they fhall receiue their tail Doome, of an euerlailing and more dreadfuil Damnation , with Execution accore Jingly. The Angels that fell not , are fupernaturall vpholdett from all danger offalling. CHAr. XV11I. of the Fall of c.Man. AFter the Fall oferingels , by SatansTemptation of Ene, and through her ofAdam, they, and in them, all Mankinddid fall. The punifbntent vnto them (by the great patience and long fufferance ofGod , and in his fingular Mercie, to make a way for theRedemptionof Mankind) is fo qualified , that the vttermofl and moll extreme furie of it, is put off till the Latter Day. Whereupon grow two Degrees of this finfull and turfed cflate; for either it is in part , onely during thisLife ; or in the fulncífe of it, aefer Death,