Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

neChiefe Pointr, e7E, In pareonely, as Sinfulncffe, not in the higiiefl pitch. Touching their Curfe.d efface : firfl , the Wrath of God upon them fo farre , that all things, not Bieflings onelv, . but his very Graces s turne to their Ruine: Secondly, feparation from his Prefence s Thirdly , Joffe ofour for- mer Soueraignty, and confcquently, ofour Power; in- fomuch, as both the Creatures are become our enemies, and wee flaues to Satan : Fourthly, all kinde of Cala- mities, Ignorance, Shame, Infirmitie, Sickneffe, and in the end, Death, which is the feparation of Soule and Body. Yet in all this ,fonne Reliquesof formerDignitie doe atcmaine, namely ,in the Minde , common Principles of Good and Euill (fparkcs of that light of Nature) and force Seedes ofConfcience, which notwithflanding are wholly finfull, and doe but feruepartly to kccpe Men frombreaking forth, without all flameor regardofho. neflie , partly tomake them vnexcufable : In theBody, a.kind ofMaieftic; in the wholeMan , a certaine Soue- raigntie,that keepeth in awe thebrute Creatures, The Creaturehere (through the Fall ofMan) recei- ueth an impaire of his firfl perfe.ftion. So muchof that%which is i© part. The fulneffe of the Curie after Death, is Damnation with the Deuill and his Angels : In Souk prefeutly, till the Latter Day; at what time, God for that purpofe raying vp their Bodies, the whole Man ihall recciue the like Dorme and Execution accordingly. Amiferable Change to InchMen as then are lining, fhall be in Read of aDeath, and riling from it. The Creature is then allo fubieet to an utter abo.... lotion. THE'