Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

J CHAP.I. concerlsixg G oD. one is , there cannot be the other. But our God is Each a one as filleth Heauen and Earth , and cannot bee cir- cumfcribed , therefore in trauelling with a multitude of Gods,theybring forth noGod at all. But beaufe, in fohighand dcepe a point ofChriflian Religion, we arenot to ref vpon naturali reafons : lea- uing them , I come to the vàdoubted Oracles of holy Scripture : whereby it is mots cleerly and euidently con- firmed, Dent.6.4. Hearken, Ifrael, IE HOv A H thy Gods ( meaning the perlons in the God-head) are one leho- rsah, or one diuine E%nce , Dent. 32.39. See now that sm he,and thereis no Godwithmee. For who (k faith the Pfalmifl) is Godbetde l E Ho v A H? Efay 44.6.7'hus faith- 1E Ho vA H, I am theftrst , and Iam the lasi- , and betdes me there is no Cod. Againe, t I ant IE Ho vA H, and there is nonebut I, betide me there is no God. And themApoflle to the Corinths , Wee know there is no other Godbut one, for albeit there be that are calledgods, both in Heauen and uponEarth,as there be (in thevaine conceits ofmen) ma- nygodsand many lards, yet to vs there is but one God the - Father, of whomareall things : andone lefiu Cbris`I, &c. The fame he inforceth in the n Epiffle to the Ephefians, There is weLord, one Faith , one ?aptilme , one God , and Father ofall, &c. which alto is a notable reafsn : For if there were manygods , theremuff alto bee many faiths, one beleeuing in this god, another in that god. , And here the fleights ofSatan haue from time to time beene wonderfull, who not able to wring out of mens minds, the opinionofa God fo ffrongly fettled in them, bath cilningly abufed the World,blt bringing in an ima- ginarymultitude ofgods, bewitching them to worfhip, partly, fained powers, partly, bare creatures, negle&ing the Creator bleffed for euer , Amen. By howmuch the morewe are to flriue for the holding fail of this Truth, as the Pillar ofFáith, and groundofall Picnic : howtoe- tter it bea trt;th,of all other malltrue.4nd certaine, that there .. k Pfabi8.3a. .. I Efay 41.1. m 1.Cor.8.4 n Epbef.4ò5., The threeper- Ions are, each of them, that one deboaah diuerily fubt-_ flung and arc the Father and theSome and the Holy Cho:..