Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH AP.I. concerning G o D. 33 Difciples, being to leaue the World,and to goe vnto the Father, hee left this Do&rine as a perpetuall Mon,nnent religiously to bee obferued of the Church, to the endof the World,willing tobaptize all Nations, x In the .Name of the Father, andofthe Sonne, and oftheholy Ghoft : That as in other refpe6ts,foin this it is moll worthily faid,allo manbath feene qed at any time. The onel begottenSonne, oho is in the bofoine ofthe Father, hee bath revealed him.,. With thefe two tetlimonies I willingly content my felfe, as moll pregnant of all the refl. And therefore Ipaffeo- uer diuers other that might bee alleaged to thispurpofe, becaufe thefe twaine may fland in Read of many. (Direly I will adde that golden teflimonie of hisbeloued Difd - ple : b There bee three that beare record in Heai en, the Fa ther,the gord, and the holy ghoil. It is deere, that to the earthlywitneffe or tefllnonie ofmen in the things which WC fede and haue experienceofwithin our felues, Rege- neration, Righteoufneffe, SanIification , hee oppofeth the heauenly Wirneffe or Teliimonie of thefe perlons, grea- ter in regard ofthe excellence ofthewitneffes,but equall in the number, whereby appeareth the cleere euidence of this place Tritheites, who though they acknow- ledge the three Perfons to bee euery one God indeede, yet teach thatthey are not onely diflind, but feacred and diuided. The third point is , that thefeperfons haue every one the whole God- head,and Diuine Nature, and are all three that one onely true and euer- liuing God. For botta the Apoflle e there calleth them fo expref_ ly, and the teflimonie ofall three heknit- tethvp inone,whenhefaith, Ifwereceive the teJimonieofmenthetefflnonie ofGod is greater. Euen as Mofe.t d alfo doth, when from the multitude ofthe Perlons, heeal- leth them to the vnitie of the fubflance. Therefore the Apoflle Paul e faith , In him (Chrifl the Sonneof God, manifefled in the flefh)dwelleth all thefulneffe ofthe God- head z Matt.a3.r9. a lober.13. b r.lohn;.'. c s.lohn S7,9 d Deut.6.4. c Col.z.g.