Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

34 The firfi Booke of Diuinitie, f Pre.30,4. g doion.14, CHAP.!. headbodily, that is perfonaliy, which is to be extended to all theother Perfons. For to whomfoeucr God commu- nicâtes his nature, he muff needes communicate it whol- ly,as bath beetle faid.And thismyfierie(how in that molt Pimple and tingle effence of God, there be certaine lub- (lances or perfons truely fubfifiing, three inone, and one in thre°, differing, but not diuided, feuerall but not fun- dred, many, and yet the fame all one, for their nature all difiina for their perfons) is a fecret of all fecretsr palling all reach andvnderftanding of man, rather reuerently to be adored, then too curioufly tobe fearched into. The fourth and lait point is the incommunicable pro- perties,whereby thefe perfons are dìftinguifhed in them_ felues. To the Sonne , is proper to bee begotten, to the Holy Ghof+, to proceede, the Father is of himfelfe, neyther begottennor proceeding, but which from all Eternitie hath begotten his Sonne , and hee and the Sonne together fend forth the holy Spirit. Of the Fa- therwee fhall not neede to fpeake. But that the Sonnes proper fubfiflence is to bebegotten,as thename ofSonne importeth (giuen veto him of God , Marke 3.17. This it my well beloued Sonne, and fo called before bee tooke flefh, Tfal.2. 13. Kife the Sonne, left he bewroth. But molt cleerely in the f Prouerbs, What ie his Name or his Sonnet NameI) So the Scripture it, manyplaces fheweth, lob* i.I 8. Theone) begottenSonne, which is in the blowof the Father. And a g little before , Wee beheldhis glory, at the glory of theoxely begottenof his Father. The like wee fay of the Holy Ghofl, who is fometimes called the Spirit of God,fometimesthe Spirit of Chris , Rom.8.9,IO,I I. Rut you are not in the fiefla,but in the fliirit , iffo bee theSpirit of Goddwell inyou, but if one baue not the Spirit ofChrift, this man itnot bit. But if theSpirit ofhim that rayfed !efts.' from the dead, dwell inyou, hee that railed Chrifi from the dead, bill alfo quickenyou by hit spirit dwellingnoyau.