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That thedrtmk,ardfsnneth mq/tgriesaetf lyagainfl himfelfe pi CHAP. V. That thedrunkard finnethmoflgrieuotelly agarnfl himfelfe. Nd thus you Cee how grieuoufly the drunkard fin- §.SeN. r. neth againtt his neighbours . But as hee is bad to The drrink:rd ¡_.L all others, fo he is wort} vntohindetfe : for he that Todgrie"euItr isaddiaed to this vice , draweth vpon him innumerable ;ionft egat'lt euils , and thefe are either temporali or fpirituall . The temporali culls refpea the whole perfon, or moreCpecial- ly either the foule or the body. The culls which concerne thewhole perfonare diners. Fira, hereby he fo difableth z He is made himfelfethat he is altogether vnfit toperforme the dutiesofunfitfor hia his calling; for themofi ofhis time he fpendeth in idlenetic, calling, and(as they call it) good fellowfhip ; and that which remai- neth cannot profitably be imploicd for anygoodvfe,feeing neque mens,neque pesofciunfaciet,all his parts are fodifor- dered and difabled, that neitherhis minde nor any member of thebody candoe their duty.And therefore as heCpendeth theafter noones and the grcatef} partof the night in drink- ing,fohe is faine toIpend the morning in flecping;in regard wherofthe prouerbe is verified:Ebriusnon videtfolm origin= tern: ThedrunkardfeldomeCeeth the Sunne riling. Yea he dothbyhis exceffìuedrinking, not only bringvpon himfelf adrowle flecpinetfe,but alto a Cenfeleffe deadnetíe,vnto any goodathen , And as his bellie is anvnfatiablegraue to bury his drinke , fohis drinke is as it were a graue wherein he is buried;in regard whereofone truly faith,that ebriofus quuna Aegufá, liG de abforbet vinurn,abforbetur dvino:While(} the drunkardde- 7, alit. uourethwine,he is deuouredof wine, teeing nothing remai- nethof a man but afeníeleffetrunckand filthy carcaCe.Vnto which alCo theProphet Efay alladeth,chap.z8,.7.for fetting Era ,ig,,, downe thePanne of the Prieu s and falfe Prophets, and their vtter neglee} of all good duties , he faith , that they erred through flrong drinkZe, and were ftvallowedvp ofwine . Yea cuen theHeathenmandifcerncd this by the light ofnature, N 3 where