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Thepunifhinentsof whorea!ome in this life. 171 eternall damnation ; for howfoeuer the mercies ofGodare moll large and infinite, yet are theyneuer inlarged to thole who continue in th'eirfnnes; though theblond ofChri(l be. clan inefliniable value, yet it neuer procureth pardon for thofc who are í1i11 in loue with their wickedneffe;andhow focuer the promifes of theGofpel aremot+generali and in- definite, yet are they alwaies limited and ref{rained with the condition oftrue repentance, Latlly,howfoeuer the fornicator is feldome troubledwith § çecci, 5 any true forrow for his fitine; yet dothheneuer want vexa- The fornicator tion and griefe ita refpe&of the punifhment whichdoth ac- i conttrt;cilly company it. Beforehe committethhis finne, he is fet vpon tormented vtid, vexation the rackeofhis own inordinate lufis, whichviolently draw and of him to a refolution ofperpetratinghis filthinef e; after he is grtefe. refolued, he is tormented witha multitude ofvnruly paffi- onsand affedtions, which drawing contrarywaies,diuerfly dit+ra& him,and euen pull himafunder.One while he isvex- ed withvncertaine hopes, &another while with doubtful! feares ; fometinies he is tormented with care howhe may compaffe his deliires, and fometimeswith ieloufies & fufpi- tions of manifold mifchiefes which may accompany the fruition ofhis carnali ioyes Nowhe doubteth ofhis harlots loue,and wifhethacleere pafíàge in his fuit, and fooneafter he feareth his wifh, in refpe&of the fhame or punifhment which may follow theatchieuing of his defìres, if by any meanes his filthy fait be difcouered & reuealed. Neither is he inbetter cafe after his lut+s are fatisfied, but rather as his finnewhichwasbut onely refolued on, is now aggrauated by the execution andfait, fo alto are his punifhments inhis foule and confcíence intended and increafed. For now the finoke which did arife frotnthe flame of his tufts and dar- kened theeye of hisvnderilanding beeingfotnewhatvani- fhed, vpon the quenching of thisfire, hebeginneth more cleerely todifcerne the fouleneffeofhis fad, andhis owne fottifh folly, who for the inioying ofa fhort and beaflly pleafure,hath robbed his confcience of peace,and his heart of ioy, and call himf_lfe into an inextricable labyrinth of manifoldmifchiefes ; nowhis guilty confcic;ce maketh him 2 2 to