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OfAdo/tel. /79 in that he begetteth it ofthefeed offornication, imbafing it inhis conception,and marking is with the Game ofhis (inne, beforeit enioyeth the light of theSunne. CHAP. XIIIr. ®fthe;line ofevirdultery,and the b4inoufnefe thereof. Nd thushauel intreatedof the fin of forni- cation,which is that fin of vncleannetre that of4didrevy, is committed between fingk or vnmarried andtbekipde perfons,and haue Chewed the hainoufneffe thereof. ofit, and the grieuoufnefíe of the punifh.. ment which dothaccompanie it. In the next place Iant to fpeake of the finneof adulcerie, which is that vncicannetTe that is committed by thole that are either married or be- trothed for the lawofGod as deepely condemneth,and as feuercly punifheth the latter as the former, as appeareth, Deur. 22.22. 24. In which argument I will obferue the fame; orderwhich I did in the former, (hewing firfl what it is, and .24,2,4., the kinds thcreof,thehainoufnetfe ofthe finne,and thegrie- uoufnetTeof thepunifhment . Adultery is thedefilingof an- others bedwith the as of vncicannetfe; as thename it (elfe alto fignificth; For it is called, Adulteriom,quafi ad alteriva thorumacceffîo.Thewhich finncisoftwokinds :for either itis Lingle, or double adultery. Single adultery is that vn- cleannefTewhich is committed, either betweenea married man,and a tinglewoman, or a married womanwith a tingle n,an.Double,when as both the parties arcmar'ried,who &- Cc themfelues onewith another. Concerning the hainouf;eiTeof whichInnes I (hall not §,SeEt.a. need to fay much ; for lithe (inne of Pimple fornication Thatadulrrry, and whoredome bee fo wicked and damnable, as be- isan[maim fore.' hatic (Hewed, then muff it necefarily follow that the irnr`e- finne of-adultery ( which is a Inne of the famekinde, but in t euir.18.2o. a much higher degreeof wickedncfTc) is a notorious crime Ier,7.9,; o. and are horrible abomination, as the Scripturesalfo call it, Ezeci.22,, ra. Aa 1 which