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1E0 OfAdmitery. which continually caller and crics at the throneofGods iu_ flice for fcarefull vengeance vpon theoffendecs.And there- fore leaning thatwhich bath bin Paid, concerning thegreat. neffe of the finne of fornication,and thegrieuoufneffeof the punifhmcnt to be applied to this finne of adultery , but with a great ouermea[tire , in as much as it farre exceedeth in a higher degreeofwickedneffe; I will content my Idle briefly to adde that which feemeth to bee more peculiar to this crime, both in relpedi of the finne, and thepunifl.mentdue vnto 5se,3. Firfi then , the adulterer fïnneth in a peculiar mannera- That theadul gainfi God,in that he doth in the highctt degreeviolatehis lever finneth owne ordinance ofmarriage,which is moil ancient,asbeing againft Ged,hy in flitutcd ofGod inParadifG moil honourable , as challen- vio[atang his ¡n the Lord for the fitti author and folernnizer therofand holyordinance. g g , moti holy and pure , as being infiituted and ordained in the fiateofinnocency,and fince the fall, appointed as the or. dinary meanes to preferue our bodies and foules inpurine and chafiity,vnfpotted and vndefiled. For whereas theLori bath ordained,that by marriage there fhouldhe Cud) a nere communió between the partiesconioyned,thar they lhould be no more two but oneAtli], in regard wherofamanought ro-forfake father and mother,thathemay cleaue tohis wife; louing and cherifhing her as beeing a part of himfelfe; and that to thefc ends, that they may bee prefcrucd from whoredome and all manner of vnlawfull lulls ,procreatean holyfeed, and be mutuall comforts one toanother; the for- nicator Both vtteriy violate this holyordinance; for he dif- ioyneth thofe whore God bath con ioyned , &brcakcth the bondofholymarriage by ioyninghimfelfe with anharlot, . and becomming oneMr with her, bee forfakethhis deere xfpoufe,for whole fake he íhould forfake father and mother, and adhereth ro a filthy firumpet; he loatheth his wife, and loueth his whore; hedefileth his bodyand foule,created ac- cording toGodsitnageinholineffeandpurity, withwhore_ dome and vncleannefíe; he begetteth an vnholy feed and baflerdlybrood , and becommeth voto his wife, ofa chicle comfortcr,a moll gricuous tormentor,fillingher heart with gricfe