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Sz Of the lawfull vfe ofwine andffrongdrinle. .Fer,lte licentioufnefé.Soalfo the vie ofwine is lawfùl1 for thechee.. chearidzof ringand refrefhingof themindewhich isdeieaedwithhea- uinefc, and opprelfed with griefe and forrow; and this the i'ru.31.6.7 wife man alloweth, Prou. 3 r.6. Glue wine-veto them thaa holegriefe ofheart.7. Let himdrinke thatbee mayforget his potterty3 and remember his mifery nomore. And this is one fpeciall vfe why the Lord hath giuen it vntovs, becaufe it Pfal.io4.1S nukethglad the heart ofman,as it is PCal. ro4. t 5. But here excefl'e allo is to beauoided,left in {leadofrc frcfiing the fpi.. rits,we do oppreffe them ; for it is but a bad change , if we turne our forrow into fïnne; dull melancholy , into merry rnadnelfe,and glide ofheart,into griefe ofconfcicnce. §.Se51,6. But it is.not only 1«wfu11 to vfe therecreatures for neceflî.- wineand ty,but allo for bonefi delight, and that not onely in Chril}i- firong dri41 0 an and religious leafing, when for Come publike benfht may bel fed we offer vnto God publike thanker and raite but all'o in for ho p p ncfï Llelrgh.t, loue feaf}s andciuill meetings , for the maintenance and in creakofamity and fricndfhip amongil neighbours. Ofthe r.xing.$,63 former,we haue an example in the dedicati6 of the Temple, Nehem, r King 8.63. and at the reforingof the law, Nehem.8. And of the latter, in thatmariage feat whichChrif} graced withhis prefence, when he forbad not the liberall vfe of wine, but contrariwife, himfelfemiraculoufly turnedwater into wine , that the feaa might be furnifhed with fufficient Toh.s.7 plenty : Iohn 2.7.But here all() etiery man is to mealure and f}int his appetite, and fotoobferue friendflipand amity as that he do not negledî Chri (Tian fobriery and temperance; and becaufe particular rules for direaion cannot bee let downe in this behalte, in regard that one maris f. }omacke andhealth requireth a larger allowance, and another mans is fatisfied and contented with lelfe,therefore we are to keep vs to the generali rules, that is, that we doe not abufe there creatures vnto furfetring and drunkennefie,nor yet Co glut and ouercharge our felues,that therebywe be difablcd from performining any anionofpiety &Chrifiianiry,as hearing theword, praier, holy conferee}ce, or elfe the duties which we ought toperforTe inour particular callings. Cz-ro