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Drunkennef fe condemnedby Godand man. $ S It is a voluntary diuel,a difeafewithout pardon,a crimewith- out excufe the common opprobry ofnature, &c. It were ouer long to recite all which is fpoken by holy men to thispur- pole : but this (hall ferue for a tafle. But it is no warueile that Chriflians haue cleerely difcer- §,Se .4' ned the vglineffeofthis vice, being illuminated by the light Z.By Beathene of'Gods word , feeing the Heathens themfclucs haue difeo- andPagans. tier,d he foulencfleof it ,by the light ofnure. 'Pittacus Laert,lib,r.e. made a law , that whofoeuer committed any crime in the tixeofhis drunkennetTcfhould receiue double punifhrnent. Solon enacted , that lithe Prince were founddrunken, bee Patric.deregn. !hold be punifhed withdeath.It was ordained as a law among tib.b the Indians , that if any woman would venture to kill that Al`xabAlex. hb.3cap.0 Kingwho was giuen todrunkennelfe, thould for her reward marry his fuccellor . 'Seneca calleth diunkennetfe,a volun- Epijt.83 Lary madneffe; affirming it to be a fottifh folly, not toknow themeafure of a mans owne flomacke. Plutarch faith,that emery modeandhoneft manwill auoid drunkenneffe, becaufe asanger ir cofengermane to:nadneffe,fodrun%enneffe is a co- habitant andas much as it isbetter then madneffe,lecaufeit is of horter continuance,fomuch it is worfe,in regardthat it is voluntary : forwhereas madneffe thrufleth in byviolence, this is willingly intertatned. CHAP. IIr. That the drunk¿.ardfinnethhainoisflyagainfl God. Nd well doth thevice ofdrunkennc îe deferue Sec`l. >I to be thus condemned both of God andmen, The baároUjnes tieing it hailä in it all refpec`ls ofaUill, both the ofs ,.is fne off mill offnne,and ilfo the mil( ofpunifhment drxokenvffe, The euill offinne,both as it is in it felfe tìnfull, andtúa Pani- and alto as it is thecaufe of other finnez..Ir is in it felfc finf1.11, foldexits hid;_ as may appeare by a threefold relation which it lath to di_ it containetir.. tiersobìe6is:for thedrunkard grieuonfly tïnneth, i.agair!'I God, 2. againt} his neighbour, 3. againfl himfeife. And ç.f thefe 1 will (puke (metally ; in handling where®f,it is not to M 3 be. Plutarch.'m.1- ral.tom.s.dt. Garrul.