Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

TheDeflrugion of the Carelefs. 15 3 It tins De riot tee ettare of rear Land at this day, what means rue cornfaa inn rr., heavinefs of the Cpirits of the prophets? What means their tea rs and cries, and pra)- ers, becaufe of theobfiinacy, and hard- heartednefs of people that will not he drawl, from their finsby any'means? This is a fecond evidence or ligh,when all this crying andCalling will not awaken, that we are in a deeplléep of fecuricy. Thirdly,anotherevidence is,the vain hopes of the Land. It is a ligo of carnal fecu- rity,and that we are all in a dead sleep,whenwe have fuch idle dreams out of idle fan - cies,and vain confidence that delude and deceive men. What do men reh on, to fecare, and pert-wade chemfclves of immunity from wrath and impunity ? Certainly chis,thac we have theordinances of God amongft us. Oh the Teo plc oj, the Lord, theTemple of theLord. Alas,had not the peopleof Ifraei the Ark? And yet the philiflians took the Ark, and slew the Sons of Eli. Had they not the Temple? And yet chi Lord injer.7, t t. Sender them to Shiloh. Go ye now unto myplace which mar in Shiloh,where I jet my name at thefer/l and fee what I did to it, for the wickeelnefsofmy people r fragil. And now 6tcanfeyou have done all theft works, faith the Lord,and !spa/e unto you riiîng early, and(peaking, butyou beard not a andI called untoyou,butyouanfwerednot. Therefore will I do to this house, which is called67 my name, wherein you tits/!, as I havedone to 'Shiloh. Had not the Churches of Afe, the golden Candlefitck ? And yet are they not now tributary toche Turk ? The Ordinances of God (beloved) are means to increafe,and haftena Judgment, when we !hut oureyes,and will riot open them, but walk in darknefs. Oh but there wasnever fo many Preachers, nor fo many means : There feçtns to he anew fpring of the Gofpel : There are abundance of men that come daily furntlhed for the Miniliery,and are zealous and forward,and powerful Prophets, and the like : and therefore it is a fign that much good is intended towards us,and that no judgment (hall come. But do INC not read that immediately before the feventy years Captivity, there were more Prophets than in many yearsbefote? Why (hould we reft in luck things as theft ? But nevertheless, we have many good people that are full ofprayers and tears, and they (hall deliver the Island. It is true, there are many (hleffed he God ) and we have cattle to with that there weremany more; and to fay as Mofes laid to ofhuab,when he would have had him forbid Eldad and Medal, thatprophefied in the Camp of the lfraelites ; Would God that all the Lords people werePropbets,and that hewouldput hisspirit upon them. So we, of fuch godly menthat walk withan upright heart : Wcald God that there vacre many such. But yet are not theft as Lillies among Thorns? A fewamongft many - men? Are not chetfethe ob;eahs of reproach, and contempt among(} an unrighteous generation ?, Who are the men that arecryed down molt by theworld,thac are moti oppofed,and injured by allmen ? Are not theft they thacfupport the Land by their prayers, and hold opall by their Banding in the gap ? May we not rather fear that Godwill avengethe quarrel of his fervantsupon an ungracious,and ungraceful people they liveamongft ? What thanwe (peak of other things? Did no Bozrab, in fer. 49. 16. Waft her felfof her fcintation, That ¡he dwelt in the clefts of a Rock? Saith God, though thouhide&Pthy felfin the clefts of the Roc¢, though thoufhoulde/l make thy Nell, as higharthe Eagle,I will bring thee down fromthence. It is not calkingthat our i,,lanc{ is Icituate in the Sea, and environedwith walls a Judgment can leapover the Sea di well as the Pefiilence bath done our walled Towns. It is a vain thing, and yet if you hearken [oche difcourfe of molt men,you (hall feethat this is that that keeps theta Cecure. Or it maybe, as Come in tfa. 45. r ç. We ( fay they) have madea covenant with Death, and with Hell are weat agreement, when the overflowing fcourge (hallpap rborow, (hall not come unto sm. Well ( faith the Lord) your covenant with death /hallbe difanulled,and your agreement with Hellfhallnotfend, when the#verflo /., X trig 3. Vain confi- dence. Ie3.7.11,I2,11, Numb: n:13. Ier,46.r6, ifa48. r ç.