Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

To the,Chriftian Reá.der. Free - grace)before ive could underft and what the An- itremonfirants in the Synod at Dort fully intended, ive had from the Remonftrants Ada Synodalia ; a Book indeed that required an Ames to ánfwer it (which hee hash done mall learnedly) where you have Magnum in Parvo, a great foul in a little body, a great deal of form in a little matter (as in his Bellarminus enervatus:) that being done by the Fraternity , with concurrent indeavours , and the quinteffence of the bell wits amongfi the Remon- ftrants. About the leer 1627 Mr. Montague, a man of great learning, and being backed by the then Duke of Buckingham, opened his Arminian (and i had almofi [aid Popifh) pack, when the Lord ufed Bi]hop Carleton, Dottor Featly, Dottor FPrefton- and o- thers, as happy infiruments to difcov0 his'adulte- rate Wares. Lately there.#rung up a new brood of fuch 23 did a fert Arminianifine, as Dutch Tompfon Fel- low ofClare Hall, Mauer William Channel Fel- low of Chrifls Colledg (as the many Pupils that were ÁrminianiKed under his tuition doth /how ;whether by him or no,he be/l knows:) but men are more confir- med in their fufpicion hereof, line they heard of his anfiverable actings in the llniverfty in Ireland But Hill, as in Oxford, when there was any dan- ger of dreading Arminiani[n, whether .in Acts, Books, or Sermons, they had there Robert Abbot, Twiffe,Prideaux,and other Works to fupprefs them; So in Cambridge, God gave us lately Davenant and Ward,: who did victorioufly enter the li/t3 with the moll