Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

The prof eft Self - murder. to anfwer, oh Sir, I could not'ido otherwife. No, no ; he might have omitted it : And therefore the Law of man is favourable to fuch as offend againft their wits; it does not hang Inch as kill againft their wils. Fourthly, becaufe though a carnali man cannot put off 4Argu. the old man, nor (hake offthetiominion of fin in gene- ral!, nor deny himfelfe,but his very nature is fnfull and flefhly, he does naturally fn ; yet it is not his nature to commit this fin at this time, and in this manner, The wickedeft man under Heaven goes about his fin with pre- vigil deliberation; and a moft free difpofition of the means; the drunkard goes freely into the Ale-bode, and call's freely for a jugge, or two, or three, as his loft is; his Hof', he freely fullers thefe diforders in his houfe, and freely goes to the Tap and does draw it, &c. Ephraim did willingly walke after the Commandement, Hof. 5.11. The wickedKing ofIfrael commanded them that will to wor- fhip at Bethell, and they did freely and willingly obey it. Pilate willingly contented the people, and therefore he feourged' our - Saviour, cAlarke 15.í5. for though all tbis was done by- the determinate counfell of God ; yet Gods counfell put no tinfoil neceffity upon his will, he did freely and willingly do it; the wicked turne the Grace of God into wantonneffe,7ude 4. Marke, the Grace of God; Grace, whereby they might do more good then they do, and avoid more evill then they doe. . It's true, awicked man is the fervant offin, and cannot but fin ;he is natu- rally a fervant of fin ; of fin,I fay ; but he is voluntarily andfreely a fervant of this fin ; for the Lord gives him reafon ,and counfet4and good motions, and many common graces, whereby he.may be freed from this or that aFt, but he will not he Will breake out into thefe and thefe pafionate words, now and then ; fay reafon what it will, and common grace what it will ; he will do it, he will do this, and he will do that. i confeffe, that when a wicked man is defperate, and given up of God, then it is otherwife ; then his will is fo greedy, that he cannot E a tak