Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

Marie, hismother, why not the fecondSunday in Lent. Serail with him in theMount. Tohim that fhal askme,why Chrift cariednot his motherwith him tomount Tabor,as wellashe did tomount Cal aerie I anfwere, Thatall that, which he fuffered inmount Caluerie, was in refpeétof hismother , in fo much that this her forme complained,that God had forfakenhim. But that Glorie, whichhee inioyed in mount Tabor,he had that from his father So that the feeing there- of, didnothing at all belong to his mother. Someman maydoubt, why thefe three defcending from theMount,fhouId aduifethe reft,of the fauourwhich they inioyed, beeing they hadan interdiEti- on tothe contrary from ourSauiour, Nemini dìxeritie viftonem,Telí no man, what you ham fem. I anfwere , That the iotçrditionwas not for the difciplcs but for thepeople onely. But forceone may reply ; Why Enuy did not pofTefl'e their hearts thatftayd behind ; andPridepuffe vp theirs that went vp tothe Mount r Efpeci.úly fuch a bloudie quarrellbeeing like tohauegrownamongft them,who fhouldbegrea- teft inthat their hopedfor Kingdome r Theybeeing all incenfed againft tames and lohn , fordefiring to beinneereft place toour Sauiour. Ianfwer ; That this theirftriuingwho should be greateft , and this their chairesof Ambition , fup- pofe amoft bafe opinion o' theKingdome ofour Sauiour Chriff : for that they imagined it (asbefórehathbeeneprooued) tobe terreftriall and temporall.And touchingthefe goodsof the earth,not onely fecular Kings and Princes , are rea- die to goe together by the eares forthem; but alfoyour Ecclefiafticall perfons, thofe that are the holieft andhonefteft Church-men,labor todefendthemwith alltheir might and maine. For they fallfofhort of thofe other,that are heauen- ly,that theybeeing deuided amongftfo many;they 'all thinke,theyhaue too lit- tie. Podiumbrewefi,vtrumqueoperire non potefl, Thedoakersfhert,and cannotcower twain. And forthat the glorie of Tabor,was meant of that other life, and for thatit did difcouer thofe thathadbeene dead forfomany yeares before,and for that it left euerieonefowell fatisfied , and made themto acknowledge itas an immenfeand infinite blefling; it couldnot bee vntothem''æmatter of Pride , or Enuy : Whence it commeth topafTe,that in fpirituall goods,thefe vicesarenot found. Thou thy felfeobferueft,that fuchaneighbour òfthyncprayes deuout- ly,beftowes his aimes liberally,fafts often, repents heartily, andperformes all otherChriihanduties willingly, and thou beard} himno enuie at all : but if thou feeffhe is richer than thy fclfe , thriues better in the world, or is more efteemed amongftmen thanthyfel fe, hisprofperitie isthy tormenr.Thofethat werethe Spoufes companions didneuerenuieherhappiaefle, viderant'eumfili,e Syon, ¿c. The Daughterro fSyonfary her, andproclaimed'her.blef ed.. Thefe were goods oftheSoule, wherein if there were any enuie at all , itwas in regard ofthateftimationwhich followes th_bodie. Thohwilt happely ennie the ver- tuotís, in feeing him rewarded forhis vertue, bút notenuievenue.. Etdurti ¡las ¿n Mòs3izns exc fum. Aridhe brought them intoa high Motentattne. , Tabor was aveniefamous hlouq- taine, as well for thofe-richeswhich Godhadplaced init,offportsfor hunting, Trees, Fountaines,andpleafant Walks;as:alfo for thofe rare accidents which hadbeen feene andknowntohaue happened there,: Therewas that encounter ofctitelchifadec -with vibraham, whenhereturnedfogladandcheereful ,vpon, thatviétorie whichhe hadgottenagainftthofe flueKings. Andbeing there was no other waytopaffefromGalile toIerufalem, but bythe skirts ofthis moun- taine, leroboamhauing fetvp two 'dolls one in Dan, andanother inBethel, for Q,z to 183 ob. Sot. Ob. Sol. ob. Earthly things mo rothiuted than Spitttuaa. Sol. Thedignity of Mount Tabor,