Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

p 6odhowtobe ; 1$e. !'' feene .of Mer,: V the SélLbid1y afñtT,&C.A`lid .011 ore s. lob 36. Ramano I. Efay6. ett. 19. 1.co7 istiT loto;. _ to diuert'thofeTribesfromgoingvpto theTemple'rcridoreGods_fearing left theymightpaffe ouer to Rehoboam, he had placedWatch = towers on'this moüii= mine. Sútingwith that ofthe Prophetglee, o yee Prieftss heaìe this, lodgement is towards yeee, becaufe yee haaiebeene 4_pare 'upon cJ4tizyah,andanetfpredupon Tabor: ThePrieftsand Princescatching thepoorepeople'intheir flares, asthe Fow- lers doe the birds,in there two highMountaines. In aword, This Mountains is famous for vinemany things, but for nonemore than that it was honoured by our Sauiourwith his prefence,and inriched withhisglorie.: -And for this caufe Saint>ternard calls it Montem Spei, TheMouittailse ofourhopes : For he that leads a godly life here upon earth , may well hope to receiue a glorified life in Heauen. Et transfrguratus efä anteeor. Andhe wa® transgaredbefore them . Let vs here expound fouie truths which areacknowledged by thewholebodiêofDiuinitic. Theone, . That our SauiourCh rift.hung_amongftvs, was not only feene' of vs; himfelfe feeing and knowing all things,but washappineffeit felfè. The other;That he was fu from the vene inftant ofhisconception. Thethird, Thatbeinghappie in Sbule; hemutt likewife be io inhisbody. The fourth;That the glorie of his Soule remainedafter that he had lefthis' bodie. Touching the proof of the firft Truth,notable is that place ofSaint John,'. Normanhash f ene Godatany.itme ;that only begotten.Sosmewhich is inthebafome of she Father; hehath declaredhim TheGioffe hath it, Who is neereft to.his father, notonely iifrefpeet\ofhis`toile:towards him, but by the bondof nature;and for thevnion or one-netts shads betweette¡hemswheteby theFatherarïd the'Son are one. God rcuealedhim'and fhewedhim vntovs whereas before hee was under thefhádowes fo that thècluicketefle of the fightófour mind -wasnotable toperaeiue,Him trforwhufotilerfeethiiiìtrì,:feeth theFather alfn. TheEuangelifîipretìendethhereto prooue,that onelyour Sauiour Chriftis tit author ofGraceandof Trsdh, ndthatiieither cMofes, nor äny.ofthePairiark's could feeGod ashe Was himfelfe, whichis Truth it felfebyef#ence; butashe is theSonde ::and thereforeihe only caribetheauthor thereof. Menni#feeGod ia'his creatures; andknow many of-his porfEetions :-And in thisfence Iob.faizl, ...ÁB menfee4imandbehold liimafarreoff : Saint&regorieandSaint:P,aulámplic'às Much, Fur therouifableihingiefbiaii,thatra hii eseiwas7power andcodbead , arefeene by thesreaftän.ofehewarld,eoifsdered in birèorkes. Mennaylikewifefee :him iòmeimage-orfigtíte,fonietitnessof annan, fometirnes:of anAngtil,fomethues Alf-Fire; : reprefentingkanfielfe;iurliófeformes-. fdtnet nies Any thereyes of the Soule,and fcauaetirrres;rhofrofiheBodie SoEfayfawhim;¡fews&Lorditttiarg 'upon an high Throne. At91,10,,IAar.41Lg4dfacetáfaçe, ;Thirdly, Godmay be feenebyFaith, as the fhigfrifl now feehim, ow,we f ethrough aglopdarkely. Foci(tlilÿ; is liitfi tttrYie, Jfienvarcg ltil r feÈnponua9tli; h u a ) and dwelt aitfolnfitt n Flítèlp;mr iin l fi@ irrrrs eiife; riòtirrî is'crëatures, not ic. This fight is'fottrtetttiolittillthif t tli49ffrf¡dieisrltétphát lie, asalfb the Angels. Moreouet; S rit1latt t"äih, hat ivïtíh clëete lit ì'ät Daft con4 hfble)no 44ian-eue1s y.tW oe] btirlìq.the Sonre Andbgìë ;that GoiliSotieháppines,' 'when'he rs c-ieerely feene it followeth, that our aurí ltrChrrft ïs fiáppré. The 'feufeifameargum'ent our'Sàuiotirdfeató kicadeirrü 4te,manaftïitdtWtb-Ktaxeri, Ui but