Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

Reafans why Godaf. after Afhwednefday. Serm.q.. 'Meth hischildren. 6; was moil beatenwith his affli&ions, to vtter withagreat deale ofpatience this humble language, Etiam,Jiocciderit,inillum fpera6o,i.Thoughheekillmee,yet will What trujiin him . fhallthey then doe, that haue fateat the fameboord with their God,andBateof his meate r Shall not they the.fuller they are fed,beHill themore hungrie ! yes doubtleffe. For as Eccleftaflicua fayth; gLti edunt me, adbuc efurient,i. They whicheat me,pall yet hunger. Eterat nauíc in medioMaris. (Aid the Shipwas in the midflof theSea. It feemeth fomewhat ftrange, that our Sauiour Chrift, inforcing his Difciples to enter into the Sea , andtheyha- uing punctuallyobey'dhis command , that heefhould punifh themwith fucha dangerousand fearefull tempeft. That Gods juflicefhoulouertake ¿onuin the (hip, that the Mariners fhould bee as it were the Sergeants, the Whale thepri- fon, theSea the executioner, itwas not much, for that heefought to ilk from Gods obeydience, and fhowed himfelfevnwilling toperforme the feruice that was inioyned him : But that the Difciples , who left the Land , entred into the Sea , and confecrated their defires to their Sauiours Will ; that there men Mouldfee thenifelues in danger ofdrowningand ready to perifh , is more than much. And this difficultie is indeered themore,becaufe it is fayd, That no ill fhall happenvnto him,who(hallkeepehis commandements. Juicufloditpre ceptum , nonexperieturquidquammalt. But ô Lord , if thou aflhiêtcflwith tor- ments, thofe that loueandobey thee ; What wilt thou doevnto thole that are renegates,and blafphemers, &cThis doubt requireththofe reafons,whichour Sauiourhadfor the miraculous allayingof this tempeft. The firftis SaintChryffiomes, TheDifciples (fayth hee) might hauedwelt vpon that former miracleof the loaues ofbread,and the fifhes,and on that ful- neffe and faturitie wherewith fuchamultitudeof guefls were fatisfied and con- tented,carrying greatflore thereofawaywith them in their bofomes,and their pockets. Theymightlikewifehaue argued from thence, the Omnipotencyand Diuinitieofour Sauiour Chrift, Et non intellexerunt depanibua : Butthey re- mained blind : God therefore Both fo order the bufìneffe, That thofe eyes, whome Good could not open, Ill fhould : Arid that thedaungerof the tern- pelt fhouldaduife thofe , whome feafting and fulneflè of bread could not perfuade. The fecond, Let noman looke in Gods houfe toeateofhisbread for no- thing. God perhapswill bid thee fit downeand eat, and fay vnto thee , Indie bonorumfruerebonr t,i. la thedayofwrath, beofgoodcomfort: But withall, thou muffTooke topay thy (hot , For Godwill prefently make triall in the furnace oftribulation, whether hisbread beewellbeftowed orno. There isno Saint in Heauen which hath not beene put to thisproofe. And Ecclefiaflicall per- funsof all other, hauea preciferobligation lying vponthem, whoare theho- nour of Gods houfefwho eat more efpeciallyat his Table, who gathervp the remainders ofthe feaft ,, inioying the fruits of the earth in great aboun- dance, and in more plentiful! meafure than other men. And it is nogreat matuailethat theythat poffeffemuch,fhould be poffeffedwith much feare. The third, Iris.the ordinarie language, Ofthe Saints of God, tocall this world aSea, andthis our lifeafailing therein. ThisQrigenprooueth, ,andHy_ larice, andClemens Alexandrimas:and theproportions aremany. Saint "Julien ci- teth two, the one, Thatasthewaterof theSea isgenerallybitter, and it is a wonder ifeucritbecomefrefhand fweete a So,our is fo full ofgall and F 2 worme- Each24 P_ccl.t. ECefr'=6.