Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

~.,,0 1 t~mp. ot Popes of Cbrift G~rm. Rotnt'. ! srnr6taS. 101-6 AChronology. Kings of Archbi- Againfi this Grtgory, mali_crd !xcaufc he was :1. German, was fct up this Voi.I England. fhops of Jobn the cightttnth, allas John the (cvcntt:cnth, by Crtftmtiur Conful Page, l f:,;.tr- fi~c:fl;~ co:~:~r;l 0~~~~~ :;;~e~~~Jhj;ht~. w~t~~~;}f~:~ a, andafrerp.mhLm tod(;lth: and appu:h':ndsCre.(centt~'• cuts off his o::~ nofeandears,andafter fo !ed throughtheCLty, havmg Ius Memberscut ~· Gr;~r/~ ~e~~r:~;~~~~s~~~four y(lrs. S ThLsyar LcndunlSbdiegedof theDanu. :< The Danes fpoiling the Land, caufed the Englijl1 levy of Dantgilt, amount- ~ ~:~ ~~~e I0~o:~~ annum) to 40000 ptr annum , paid to the Dants to Now came in the Lt~rJant, i. thc_Lord Dane, who was Lord of the Eng· lifh mans Houfe, .Goods, and Wtfe too. Pope Grt!,ory the fifth, lxing refiortd to thc Poptdom, calls a Council at &mt, by the advice of Otho the third, Emperor ; and there to confirm the Empire in Gtrmany his own Country, Decrees thofc f(ven lhould be Etcdors of th( Empttor, which are to this day: viz,. The Bij11ops of M(nn, Tr~tts,Colt~t do FJeflt~Emp'ror; arehuChancrUorsf()(}. Boh(mia'sKingtltEfs, amlbtArshiscup: AnJSaxons Dul:t rltOs , hil SworJ ho/Js up. Archf(Wttis£/e[/IJT Palatine, A»~";~~es~~~~~e~,~~~h~hfir~b;;::nVot p. 1o6. Tiu: years ofChri!l amounting to a thoufand, Religion began much more todecaythaninformertimes: PopeSJhlljftrthe fecondbeingaSorcerer, and a mofi hainous wickN InHrument. See the flrfi great Vol. p.2l5· This year the SAx~s t.hat had driven the Britans from their Land, ma~e 1 So ;;;::,~;r[)!~~tir~;~~i~i~.a~~~gfi~t~f ~~eat~~::,"':h~~~~~cf ~u~'~f Normand;) for a ne": plague to come upon ~hem(e\ves. For Alrtd, in confid~nceofhisaffimty, gavefecret and find charge to:ii!Towns in ~f\;~,7~, ~l:~~~fedi~J~~ t~~~·b~. a certain hour, the Danes fhould }>e Alias John the eighteenth. He brings in the Fcafi of Ali-Sou!J. See the firfi greatVoJ.p.2I6. Forn~~;Y~~f, ~~~!~~:;,:;~·a~f~ ;':"~:1,0;~~~;~h! ~:. ,sQ try. At !t~Jgth they~ beatm out by Duke Usltattl. Herein Mr.Foxdifferstiomothtts, who put no 'Jobnbetween.AU·Souls 'Jolm, andPopeStr$iusthe~ounh. The Dtmts land again m this Kingdom, at SanJwi,h. The King at lafi Et~p1,or Ma~;tf~t~t'=:~~hlsari~;~l~~:~d~J::;~dh;vade andfpoil Tmy sr.'t". !~f:~~~:~J~~~;~i;~mEI£:hgTa=~b~~~\~~~:~~?· be- . ofthc choofefor zS! Son: Q- :~:i~;g 3f:o~~i~ys~:n';;~ch~yfa~~~~ f~J!~:;::ljo~;m;,~~·fi~h7~:~; Barrels for the Kingdom •. and at lafi a Duel between them(elv~ : Lafi of all, they agreed to dJvidetheland bctW(mthem, andfolJVN in love till EdmunJ W:JS ftabbcd in the Fundament, by the Traiterow Son hfm~te~~~~~ ;,: ~~:~tt~o~M1!~~:~·ed~~;~~~:~::~~ toCanur111, withthcfewords, Ave Rexfolus, (i .) ~odfa\'ethceKing alone. Canutus fends them w his Brother Swanus Kmg of SwuJianJ, to be murdttN : but he abhorring that BloodindS, fmt them to Salomtm King of Hsmgar;, where the one dyN a natural death: The other, named EJ"JJ•ard,was ~rryN to.Ag11tha, Daughter of his Brother Hmry thefounh,Emperor. Alias Jolm the ninetoonh. Rmfn. Htlv. Of him in ~r. Fox , Stt the ~rfi greatVolume,p.at6. He was made Pope by Mag1ck, as Mr. Fox fauh in thefame Pagc. - Cmmtu1 this while, to make fafc the Englifh Crown to himfelf, Swears feme, Blni!heth otht:rs, puis to Death others; among which, ~ Duke Edricus. For though Canutus loved his Trta(on, yet durfi nO[ d~·