Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

1059 \ ACbro11ology dare tntfl the Traytor dut put to de.uh E. Jm:~nd [r;nfiJ~ his own IUrural l Vo!.1. PriiKc. P..ttr This Archbithop E•Jfn is not named by. Maficr Fox, as wc can find ; though he mm~ hun before and after !urn. 5« the full grtat Vol. pag. 215· Canutus go.vcmcd th~ llnd. twenty }'ClrS, i11 all which time:: the Danube- 182 pnbyhulcandliuletobeChritlianmcn. Ctmutus di6: fl~rold Harefoot (fo c.llled for his 1\viftne!S) his Con, reigns in l}nglandmhlslle-ad. This Hmr1. the fou rth, Emperor, Wl5 ExcommuniC3.t«l by four Pofl(s. Ha;;zk),;~~r\!i~r~:o~'~'PK~~i 'ofDenmark, wasaftcr himKing of Eng- 1S2 land. Of Htnricus the third, Emperor, (cc the firllgreatVol. p. 216, About this time, wicked Earl Gothvi" phycd his fats. King H11rJtknuu, t~c b~ of the Danifl' Kin~ of England, having reigned Tlt€d~;;1e~~~~~~~::~l·:~:~:~:J;r~::~·~~:~:; ~~;1::~,~:::d"~~ the lafl: of them lxiug dead Without iffue, the Crown come; to Edwartl, ~J·:rf~J::;::::.:;~:::~~~i:~i~~;i~i~;::.::::.~:;)~! Po;~:f,~r;;,7ha:~1inth, as we fJid, coming to be _Pope ~): Mag:c~! and tl" fi<fi gr<>t Vol. P.' r6. Of rJUS 6"g"J (,; Co~c;~: ;::~f~~~t:l~~;l~~~:;~~ga~1=~;~n~1ti~a~~~ofo~n~~~~~~~ !awed. Of th& three ~opes1 fee the fir{\: gu:at Vol. P·? f6. whm fltt.'rictiJ Niger Empaor, difpl~ceth th& three? and puts Ill Cltmm• the 1eccnd :. and thereupon inaChng, That no B1fltop of Rome (hould ~ chofm wahout thecon!CntofthcE,uperor.Andthe&mansfwarcthmafftnttothisaCt. WiUiam Duke ?f Normandy comes to f~-e the. King_, and i~ wdcomcd ; 1_1c ~~~~~t~~~ ~f ~;~~:,~~e~~~~~ i1~a~~ 1~~rCr~~~do 0~~-'fEre, he the fa1d The Romam forgettin~t their Olth to the Emperor, in nine months poyfon thisPo~. Sec:thehrfigreat Vol.p.216: Earl Godwss, th1~ had murthacd the Kmgs brothe! A/frd, wifhing in excufetotheKmg,dtat thebrCJdhew.tscJtillgtmghtllorbefwJ!Iowcdfafdy,ifhe,wJSprefent!ychookcd,and fodied; 01: D,,ma{us and Lco, (u the firfi great Vol. p.u6. 01 him fee: the tirttwe3t Vol.p:tg.2 ' .5· H:m/J(":hoafter was King) was a of his bJmthment, in the tunc of this Kmg Edward, Of t\rchbifhop &bm, ftt the tirfi great Vol. p.220. Of th~ Archbifhop Stigtmdus, fee the fufi great Vol. p.2 I 5· Ofthts Popc, feethehlfigtc:ttVol.p.2r 7. King E~warJfcnds to HmrJ ~he fourth EmFcror, praj'illg him to ft'nd to 184 the Kmg of f!ung4.ry, that hiS Coulin Edwar~, fon of Edmmul.lrlmjidt, might come u~to Englandfor as much as he mtende? to make lum King :;after him. Thts requdl: was fulfilled, and he came uno England, with hiswifeandchi!dren. . Tl:r::Vot;~1r~~~:u~~.~ !~;. reign, a child, Of him fee the firft The ycar followmg hiS Coufin Edward dtes. Of Pope &n~Jilt the tcmh, :md NicholaJ the fecond, kc the firfi great Vol. p.2 17. Thcn the King t~ought to make that Ed1vards fon Ed;ar ~Jdi11g his heir; butfcanng(bythe pride of H,m/J thefonofG()dwm, and the 1)1Ut~bility of Englijl1 ht-arts) he lho~ld not effeCt i~, fent. AmbJtfadors ro :~~~;:t~~~~~~i~~~~J{~~~!~~~~n, atlignmg hrrn to be la\\ ful No;r~~d~ ~~~~ ~~~~~11 al~1lt.n~c:tt; ~:r~~d~a';~~ K~~~gw~o~e:.~~~tc~~: voured ~im. At lengd1 he fa11111g tD~vards F/.ndtrs, and being dnvcn by tempcfi mto N()rmand]> t~ttre WiUuzm Duke of Nfnman~; makes him to fwcar he would m'arry Ius daughter, and that after Kmg Edwards death, he !bould keel? th.e hnd of England to h~s behoof, ac:or~ingto the will an~ min~ ot Kmg &!ward, and fo to hvc: next to h1m m her nour and dtgnity 1 m the R.alm. At his re~urn to F.tzgland he tells &lw~rd what he had fworn to Duke WiUzam of Nerm:md], with wh eh theKmgwaswdlpleafcd. Pope Nhhollrl the fccond having CJ11cd a Council at Sutrium, and by the h~lpof Hildebrandsdevice hav!ngmade Ben'edilf the tenth tounpopc hllnfcl~; now .he callsaCouJlCtl atJ<ome, which is ':l! f,.at tran Counc1l > in which he undermifleth the Emperor of Ius JUrifd1Chon1 and confemththeEied:ionofthcPOpcuponafcwCardinlls. . [ d] In