Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

A Protell:ation to the whole Church of England. tH:J~~d~';:dftftfj~;~~~s ~;"~~e~ ;;i~a~f~Pr~~ed(!:~:r~:i~m~~:~}Ji1e~;~~~J,"h/;:~,11~~~~: ~:f~:~ ' ~Bo~to;{U;~ ~~;;/;;~;~l:fi;,fA~~a~b~~a;to~{a~10~ie bu::d;~ :;:ftfl;:"~:Jfr~i:»fe ~~~;:: ~l:~;~I· nis Guliclmus de Landnno, Joannes Monachus Cardm1, Arm::tchanu9, Ntcolaus Orem, Preacher, eo, A~no, Oue thoHfond time /Jrmdred JixiJ foHr, Militzius .c Bohemian, who thm pr.eached, That Anti· j!~~:Sa~~fu~~,is7~*wr::a;;;i:7P~;:a:~rl:: ~~'::~"~~~;: ~:d !hWt~;~ ~~:fth;':ea~:rtxX"~~: One tbcrtfond three k1mdre4aud ftvent!, Joannes Montzigcr, Rea or of the V#iverJitJ of Ulm,Anno 1384. Nil m Archbijhop of TheffalonJca, Henricus de Jora, Henricus de Ha ilia, &c. I do but recite the prindpal Writers and Preacher! in thofe daJl• How 1/J.JnJ thoHfo~dJ there. n:ere which never biiwcd their i{neu to Baal, thllt 11- k._now11 to cJod alone. Of whom we ftttd 111 the wntmgt t:;:e; a~d~~~i,.tWl~1:o:~:;~~t~a;;:r~~i~W:,d:~~c!:':ffi~;,t:J~h: ~;: ~!o:tz:d::;~ ~~io~,~~ Aotichrilt. Alfo Maffzus recordeth of one hundred and fort], which in the Province of Narbon Chrlfli~no were plfl to the ji're, for not receiving the Decreta /I of Rome, befrdeJ them th41 fojfered at Paris to the Mallro. nHmber of fottr a11d twenl.! at o11e time, Anno 1 :l I_o. a11d the ne~t }tar after were{QHr hHndred burnt '::::Iehei;a;~~tB~~~~:~~~~. !~~~~~~ ~ ~~~a:f::~;~~~df;r ";;ffi;,~!~~~~~utct:::t:~~::; ~~~ .. certain SacramentJoft!MChHrchof Rome, Aono 1306. · Q.uzfi.t.J To Jefcend now fomewhat lower in drawing OHI the Defi6nt of the Ch~rch. What amldtitnde htre co"!e~h of{<~ith[HI WitnejJeJ in the time of John Wickliff, as Ocilff, Wickli~, Anno 1379. Wllll:~m Thorp, Whice, Purvey, Fatlhal, Pain, Gower, Chaucer, Gafcoin, W111. Swinderby, Waiter Brute, 1:\oger Dexter, Willi4.m Sautry, ttbout the year, 14-:-0. John Badby, Anno 1410. ~~~~~~;n?;~i~~ge~i~~~d~m~~:n;;~ ~i~:c~o;,JN;~z;J· M~:~Nd~ ~:~~~·J~hif ~~r;~&e~if~~~ ~~~~;,:afl~:,r !~C:r"~~~~ ~fo~;~jJo;~h!~~~~~:ya~~e;:~:~o!i~~lsn ,~,u~;,bJ~:~:F;e :[,f~~~:;; j j)~J~oa;{:~;,~;{rNJ:~~~;~~~ha;,:~~~~~~;!~~s,/he .lurmd Earl of Mirandula. But what"" (a,~h::at:;~:te~B b:!bf:; fo~i/~=~~;,~~. ~;,;~~::~h~,fo~~~!ea~:!;:'~~";tg~~c::;~; /£ t~;emof LutherandZuiogliusnowof late, let them read theft Hi .. 7oriu : orifht thinft the [aid Hiflor1 not ;:}fod0fn~f:/~:!,~~e~ta~ci:~:~i:, ~:~wt:~~ ~~"ft~~:;:t;+1~he:on;j~~~e;,e;{ ;;;:~az:e;;:~ . find ttnd read, Anno 5· 1:\.egis Richardi "2. in the year of 011r Lord, 1380. of a great nHmber (which !t:~r~:~b. ~t~~=~;~e~~~~ f:Vtch )P~~:~h~r~~ft~o~g 0bmtr~:;Js~fTth;St!~u~d:z;er~0th~s; !'orb:~i~V;,~Z:~ ~~~~o ptrfom, pfeachittg diver! SerMom containit1g Herifiu a11d nolqriOIII Errou, to the e111blemijbment of t:hriflian Fflilh, and of ho!J ChHrciJ, &c. tH the rt~ordJ do ther~ pretend; Jtl'r.otwithftanding e't·trJ trNt Chriflitm Reader ma1 conceive of thofe Preachers ID teach no other DoOrine, tl•an now theJ hear thtir DWil PreachtrJ i11 PHipitJ preach againft the Bifhop of 1:\.ome, t~~~d the currupt HerejitJ of hit ChHrch. , Furthermore, _he jhaU find lib.!wifo in Statut. Anno j Hcc. 4· cap. 15. ";n the ~ear ofollr Lord, 1402. another b~e companJ of good freacher~ and fdithfitl DeftndtrJ ~f true Doflrme agdinfJ blind Herejie and Error. Whom albeit the 1"PO!"d' oftheStatute there, thro11gh comrption of that time, do l!x Sur. folfl.1 term to be falfe and perverfe Preacheu, under diffembled HolinefS, teaching in thofe days In Anno ~~~n~ ~n~:~~~~c~~~~a;;,r~~~~i~h~a~c;;:~c=hofo~!~~~:Je~0FJ~:~i:~ t::J:!~~~~e~hdettl~:~;~:; ~r.~~;. •nd defcent 11f tinm, jh"Uunderftand theft to 'be no folft Teachers, but foith/Hl WitneffiJ ofthe Trltlh, Doiii.I-4° 2 ~h!/Ch::;t ::ie :~ho~~;:z~he;o;:::te'la~:~nft:~~;:~~;o:a,olrh:,j~)z;:!l(4tOP~:~!;:~~!t:~ bot~?~~n~:r/',!,~:be~ 'Jfo:t~;~;::~fr~ ~u~i~:'}:::h~7~;;;trerJ a~d FoUower~ ~f God1 hofJ Word, Ex liruls we find m the.1ear,14:l2, fPecifed 1n a f etter font from Henry Ch1chefly Archbijbop of Canterbury, Archie- !o P1pe Ma~tm the Fifth, in _the jif~h }tar ofhi-1 Popedo11t, whe~e mmtion K made of fame many here :r~;;ti~: m Ehgland mfell:ed (M he fit~d) wnh the Herefies of Wickjiff and HHjfe, that without force of S· ~ij,~;:;ot:a:yt:~~~th"C:: b~_;:l~;~~~:~rffiiri~~;;r:;~o::~~;ioZP,tJ;:'a~do,f:r:;;;~ ~~ ~!e1~d:~[»~1422 theCh4111btr Apofto!tft; and were not Ju.Jjident, the rejidNe to be made up of Chalice!, Ca11dle· flic/t!, and other lmplementJ of the ChHrcb, &c. · What ftJal/needthen diiJ 111ore W.itnP./JeJ to prove thit 1/Jalter, when JON fee fo many par~ ago whole ~rmieJ and MultitJrdeJ thiH fi.andmg ~~ainfl the Pope! who thoHgh the} be termed here for &re· ltckJ and Schi_(matick..J, J_et m th<Jt whuN theJ eaU Herrjie fi rved theJ the /it;iwg Lord within the Ar4. o[hntrlfeJPinlualandvijibleCbnrch. And where n then the frivolou-J brag_ of the Papifl1, whicb llla4e fo 111HCh of their painted foeath, ttnd WOHid uetdJ bear 1H down, that thH Government of the ChHrch of R.ome, which nortJ 11-, hJth bettJ of Jitcb a,J old fla11ding, time out of mind, even from the Primitive Antiq~tity,and that never w..u 11ny otber Clmrch demonjir,lble bere in Earth for lflen to follow, beJideJ thefoid Mly CatbolirftMother ChHrch of Rome? w_ben IHWe havefojficiwiiJproved before, bJ theconlinHal defcent of the ChHrch, tilt