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AChro11ology. A,, Ruman Roman Kingscl Archbi- Thc:furuJSwasthatthcEmpcrorwritethandflackeththc:Perfc:cution,char· Vol.r· Cbrifti Empcr. Bifhops. England. tbops of ging that none be pc:&cuttd barely for Chrillianicy. Hmby thm lKgan PJgc:. C11ntn---«n the: third andfourthPafm~tion. bury. Howbeit this Adri"nundc:rfiandingofthe 46. ~~::a~h~i~t~abl:!di~~~~; ~;X,ir:h~~~t~~~dG~~i1~~~1!t blf:!!olis. This. Emperor ~ntoninus reigned twenty thm~ _Yt?I'S, continuing that ~cc: h;dht~~enC::eift~;~j;: ~~~;t~~~~~~~fe:~~a~~~!:~i~~~~: ~~~;!~:: confc:nt, feme were martynd. His JJ:~r:: He had rathtr tavc: one Citizen, than ddlroy a 100o of his Hc:writesinbc:halfofthc:<:-hrifiians, tothePerfcrutors,notablearg~ments toJlaypn{crution, asbtm~conquerc:dbychc:patitncc:oftheChriftians. An Edi~ of peace for th_c: Chnllians is proclaimed at Epht[m. Th~:C~etmJ::~. in life, of all ~ther Emperors of thofe ~tmcs, died the This .Am~mnm was fiudious of Philofophy, but fcverc agamft the Chrifiians,m.P~gthefoorthperfecution. H;:f:~~much {~ ;;.7~~~:/~'q;~;p,s B~opof Sm]Nia was Mart. In this paf~tion, Chrifiians were whippc1:1 wml their veins, artnies and 46, Ger~:=~~~~:T~ Martyr forpatimcc:. /blintusaPhrygian, be:ingralhlyhardy,fulfcrsforit. Potlli~~~~~~m:::C~ ~~:n~r~:~~~.a~~~aw~~=~Y~~-re'r r::~~ :;%~va!fa~(:~h Po~~!;?':,;rp:&~~ft~~~~et~:j~~~ll~;: 4K ~:!::Scd:!.i;:f~~~~T~.;!~i;~oA~;:~{~e~~l;J~~m~~;,;~urcll. c~::~:;:p:;: :.Jg;~:r'· ~;~ childten,l~f:z:;~J Martyrs at &me. Mllrt1alu ~~~=: ~@t-~p~cr~:~~3~~in~'t~~ly in praC\i~. Pra:xtJlt and Potmtiana two godly Virgin.~, bury the bodies of the dead ~zr:~~~r::;~~~~n~~t:~~~;~;eit~~~~~~g. AplaceinGr11t1anusfufpe(t~. 50. CtmmJas, Martyr; fpitteth m the face of the Idol. Vincmtiushisfloryfufped:td. In Franu were many Martyrs, at Litms, and Vitnna, wl10fe Hillory is fct forthwlderthehandsofthebrtthrenofFran,e, in thdr Letter to the brc:threninA{IA· 51. ~:~~c~:·w~~\~~k~~.lfui~:~,~oU:~:·;~fu=:d:; flronger. The Chrifiansarc:accufed of keeping theF(afiofThyrjlu, andlnccfiof B/:?,:1/£::~. is fo patim.tinfuffering all manner oftormmts, that fhe wearies her tormentors. s":~:·:u~~.~hf~a~~~{w!a;~'~~ny~~e~i1o:a';u~ t~f ~~;,~~ ~:; 5 1 , this in Lmm to each of them, I am a Cbriftum. His tirfl torments makinghimfofwollmandfoorched, thathismembtrshadloflthcirlhapc and ufe; the f«ond contrary to his enemies intmt refior«l his limbs in regard of both. Bi~:~{t i~ ;~~~:~~~fe~:!~s1i:h~~~:C~%d:d~o:;[~~~ blafphcmc:Chrifl. DiversMarcyrsftrangkd. Martyrsdieinprifon. P/MtinusaDtaoon,eightyyearsold, Martyr. Adefaiptionoftheoomfort ofconfdling, and thedifcomfortofdmying Clrrot MlltiiTUs and .Attalus martyred in a red hot Iron-chair, could not be made hyfettingtheminit,toconfdSanything, but whatthty had willingly before. Deniers of Quill return and become Confeffors. Al( a Pbrygitm, h«koning at the Bar to the Chrifiians to fiand ro the Confeffion ofChrifi, is qncfiionOO, confeffeth Chrifi, and is manyrcd. BlanJina, a woman, and Ponticus a youth of fifteen years old,Martyrs,oould 53· notbc:forcedtofwear,withallthcwittycrueltyofchetormentors. J•Jii·