Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

AChro11ology. Anno &m11 n &man Kings of Archbi~ J11i1inNs adttpPhilofopher, a godly man, an Apologizcr for t he Chri fii~ Vo/.t. Cbri{li EmP'r. Bilhops. Engl.:m~ ~%;( a;:~r;:i ~:~~~~~·the Prophtts. The profit of reading them. p~~ t 75· Lucilu. AnmunusCommoJus. Xiflus t. alias Sixt11s 1, ~:.tfpl»- Higin11r. 159· AnicttuJ bllrJ• Eptpb.,:usfoundinafault. ~oft wonhy M.l.rt}'IS pronounce thcmfckes unworthy of the lllmc of 55· Martyrs. Alcibiadurcbuktxlforover-flrid"faning. A~~;~~:~~:td Mtliro exhibit Apologies to the Emperor in belulf of tht 55· The Books of the Old Teflament anciently received for Aut hentick. Chrifiian Soldiers get rain by prayer in a time of their great want of water in the : for which the Emperor favours them, writinp Letters in bc:halfofallthcChrifiians, tothea!Twagingofthe Perfcamon . This CommoJ11s was (though i1~commodious to the Senators of Rome) commodious to the ~hur<:h; gtving fome peace univcrfally chr_o.ugl.lOut the fame. Mean while the Gofpcl fprtads, and many Nobk flmiltes m R(lmt adjoynthcmfrlvcstotheChrifiians. Notwi~hlhnding there was fome ptrfct'I.Ucd in his time, for although th~e was a Law made by the Emperor, that none fhould fu!Oy accufc the Chn- ~"JiEr~ ~~~:£:::s:s:,;:t,~:r.;:F~~J£~~~ it followed, that ApoUmiusaNobleScnatorof Rome bcingaccufroofhisfCTVJnt, thtfnvant by tht Law again£\ accufns, was executtd., a~1d had his lrgs b~k~n > :u~ Apollmiru h~mfdf by the Law of not d11imffing accu(cd Chnthans wtthout rccantauon, was lxhcadcd; ~u~ inficad of makmg a recantation, hemadtan ApologyofChrifilan lxhef. This Empaor, AntonirJus Commodus was very skilful in cafii~g Dares, and took &rcat pridt to be called Hercules, and to wtar oft tm1es .a Lions skin, 111 both intimating what a Protcdor he was to tht C1ty, and chieftainoverthtjXOplt; Htrro/esbcingaGiant, and a Lionthe King ofBcafis. This Empaor on his. birth·day, clothed in his Lions skin, and f~crifici~1g to Hercules and J,pmr, alfo tht pcoplt to do.tht hke, Vmctn- ;:• {di~;:;:frifce!7s;:ro:i~~h"~~~~~;~ ;;~t~~n~h~~~~fd~l~~ ~~ cri:fct to Idols at tht command of tht Empcror,wtte with fundry devices tormmtcd,artd at lafi with tht prtlfure of ltaden weights, were mmyrtd todtath. J u!ius witb hisfamilyareb:tptiud, andaftermartyrtd. This }{jj/11s or Sixtus Bifhop of Rome is cowucd rhe fixth Bi!hop aftcr PeterThe Epifiles, and in them the Ordinances fathered upon him,\'ery probablyarefalflyputuponhim.HefatinhisSeataboutnineortcnyem. This '{tltjphorus fat in the Seat ekvcn years, and died a Martyr. Many Or- =~:a:r:!~g:~;.;:r;ful~siac~;~[a~f.o:~o~i~mitting of LarThis Higinus died a Martyr. l"ht OrdinanctS of Cream, cf one Godfather and Godmother ,of Dedications of Churchc:s..&c. art falOy put upon him. The inflicting pmarn forty days upon tht Pridl, for letting fall ont crum ~~~c~~la~~~afu~a~~ ~:J,1~~idat3~h~~~: ~~~~l~li~Bi1~~~P~!:; byPJ,tinlf,foundasunlikclyastRcyarcinthemfdvestrivial. Htmadea Decree of changing Eaf1tr-day from the wonttd day, viz. tht fourternth dayofthcMooninthtfirfiMonth, tothtSundayafttr. This Anicetm fat in the- Scat dtvtn years, and ditd. a Martyr. He detwnined the famt about &fttr-day, as Pirrs his PrtdecdTor had. This Sottr fat in the: Scat tight years : He alfo concludes the fame order a.>uching Et~fhr, as Pi11s and Anitttus had. H~~~:fa!0!i~~ ~7hr~~~~«drs.~ !~~~i;~1.'In~~~c~:J.of!~~~ 01vers Writers report that th~Bifh.op of Rome fent Dami11nus and Fugatius at tht rrquefl: of King Luetus, Klllg of E,g/gnJ, to him into England, by wh?m the faid King lhould lx ~nvcrtcd and baptized. But as thty vary ~~=~f~~hr::~g;;~ ~~~~1~ ~fi~iff;:~eo:x::.:'c~~~~:n: ~ecl~~~ thefe were the firfi tfl:at tranfport~ the C~rifiian Faith into England, ~:S~h~m~~~;11o[t~~tof1~~~a~L;';;~~o~;~~~~ ~~~~~=~~ ~~~~1J:~~t~~~~ifu~n~~~,~~~=:~~~~:f~ha~;dJ;: thtriUJ,ycaandthenthtconverGonofthcfaidKingi.uciur. BclidtS thofc mmtioncd abovt, wert theft ltamtd men, confounding the Perfccutors by writing, in the time of this prcfmt Emperor Commod:u. SeraphUmBilhopofAntioch. Egt}itpus a Writtr of the Ecckfiafiical fiory from Chrifis Paffion to h'ls own time. N~ of his Books remain favc: only fivt. De ExciJioHm ofol. AndthofeartnotmcntioncdbyHimm. Eu[tbius or MiltiaJes, Who notwi thffanding make mention of tht nran himfdf. Mi/riaJeswrottanApologyfor thtChrillians. . [b] :z Heraclitll f