Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

15'6 etreatifeofcontraEt. uponyou byhim,bygiuinghim ouerto fome finne. Ifpeake notthisas though 'doubted therethings ineither ofyou both : for Ihope for better things ofyou : but in fpeakjngto you,I admoniflimy felfe,wifhingthat weall take heede,that we fall not as thewicked and frnners intothehand ofGod i for hee will not hold himguildes that taketh his naine in vaine. The fourth Iwill fpeakenothing ofthefourth Cwnmandement,onlyreferring you to that Itaught commands- ublikely thisday, concerningthe confciencewe.oughe tohaue, in thetrucandfpirituali went. keepingof the fame. Tbehftewe- ` ThefiftCommandement teachethyouto bee obedient,and torelieue and obey your mandement. husband.And marke thìs(fifter)I (hall now fayvoto you : ifyou hadneuer fomanygifts, ifyouhad the wifedomeofAbigaeL and all other graceswhich are inany woman ., yetif The obedience youwantedobedience to your husband, Itcll-you true that youare nothingworth,and ofthewife to you couldhaue no part in IefusChrift : who denieth himfelfe to be thegouernour ofany, thebusband. that will not acknowledge their husband to betheirhead. Therefore(filter)letotbersdoe as they lift,but beyou in the number Ofthofe that doefeareGod, and as thedaughter of , Saraby doing well,who yeeldedreuerence to Abraham,and is commended in theScrip- tore for herdutifull fpeechTheviedalwaies veto him,callinghim Lord,orSir. Now(bro- ther)remember that you muttfogouerne,asyoumuffgive accountof themannerofyour gouernment corn untoGod himfelfe. Betides, where there is greater dignitie,theremud you know that there is greatergraces required: and inruling well there are many fpeciall RoveThehnf- dutiesto beperformed. Therefore you loud behaueyour felfewifely,leaftyou difnonóur band is to rule yourfelfe by abufingyour authoritie: for it isa daughterof lfrael that is committed voto isvvife. you,and one that is fellowbeire of thefame grace in IefusChrif with you. Again, you mudconfider that a woman is a very fraile creature, and may Toone bee difcouraged ¡ whenasthereought tobemore condancie,andftaiednes on your part. Thefixtcom-; Therefore in the fixtCommàndeinent,Gedforbiddeth all churlihhbehauiour,all lum- mandement. pilluses,andall vnlandnes anddifcurteous fpeeches ; charging youallot°beare withma- ny weakneffes,totheend they may bemodquietly reformed. And you(filier)areforbid- vobitterues den all fullennes,and that you alto for yourpart take héede ofall bitter fpeeches,and of betmeeteman naughtie names which we heare throwne out of tome womenof vnquiet fpirits : and if audvvife, youwill haue yourinfirmitie cured bygentlenes,thendeale you in likemanner towards your husbands. For it cannot bee but occafions of vnquietnes willfometimes be offered in either part: and therefore inmany things you mud willingly beare each others bur-. then. Befides this (fitter) there is a dulie required in this commaundement, that you , take care of the healthof:your husband, in dreflìng meates holefòme for him. And this (hall be a meanes that his heart Ihali be more bentin all louirg affeetion towards Thefememb In the feuenth Commandement there aremany thingstobenoted,butl canbut touch commande- fomeoneor twoat this prefent foe wantoftime: thefpeciall vfe and fubdanceof it is thus ment, much, that you huecharily in this eftate, andthat you keepethe mariagebedvndefiled, and letme giueyouboth this warning,that you take heede in the beginning, markewhat I fay, lead that which oughtto be a meanes tofurther chafide, fhouldturneto the hin-' dranceofyou. Thereforepray toGod togiueyou grace'that you maybe foberly affebted inall things, and namely in thevie ofmariage: and repent of that which is pad, ifyou haue anyway offended the Lord in this behalfe. For many failing in repentancefor their former finnes,fall afterwardunto their vncleannes againe. As for you brother,true loue towards yourwife, will be a notable dayfrom all corruptions this wee reade of/fax., Gen.a4.67.becaufe heloued Rebecca very dearcly, hehad no morewiuesbut her;albeit inthofe dales (itwas a grieuous fin)roen amongdmanyofthefaithful!,they hadatonce snore wiues thanone. Therefore when you are from her abroad,make a couenant with your eyes,andlet notyour heart wander afterany other,butthink vpon your ovine wife, and delight your heart in her continually, and pray earneftlyvoto God forher, and'fo will the Lord increafe yourloue voto her,andmoire her heart alto todelight and longaf- teryou. Somudyou doe fifter,thatthe famebl efingsmay ouertakeyou :asfurelyifyou embrace