Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

'treat f of theSabboth. tgt commonly tranflated,t.Corinth. t t. When le come together,in the Siriake tran(Ìationit is found,On theLordsÁaJ,Whi#Jtmte. Wherefore ic is tike, that theApoftks obferuedthis day,and therefore alto it appeareth inthis place,whichwehandle,that it is the dronger o- pinion,wherein though a manfaile throughinfirinitie,he isnot tobe fudged. Thuswe fee, howthis placemaketh nothingfor the purpofeofthem,chat would difanull the Sabboth, but is brought in rather by the wayofan argument, that if a brother counted alldales a- like,whichwasagreat weaknes, yet (hould.heenot be fudged : fo farre offfhould they be from iudginghün,that of weaknes eateth herbes,which is theleliberror. Here,ifányOnall obie&, that ourfirth parents did eate nothing but herbes and fruites, and thereforewe fhould content our felues therewith : I anfwere, that their nature being ininnoceneie,was fo found,wholeand perfe&,that they needed not other nouri!liments, aswedoe,whobyreafonofourweaknesand failtie,whichaccompanie finne, had neede of other creatures,all whicharepure vntovsby theword andby prayer. Now, ifour fa- thers not needing other creaturesfor their corporallfoode, flood in needeoftheSabboth, much morewefrandingin neede ofother creatures,haueneede acheSabboth. Thefecond reafon is taken out ofGalath.4. t o.Te obfe'rue dales, andmoneths, andtimes, xbe[ecoud andyeeres. 11.Iaminfeare ofyou, IeafÈ lharse 6effowedonyou labour invaine. To this I an- eenSni l,of fivere, thatwesnuft notdandvpon the titlesofletters,butobferue thefcopeof the writer, P1 andweigh the drift ofthe epidle. TheRateof the caute is this : the Galathians wereGen- tiles,who by Fair/ hisminifherie had reclined theGofpell : afterward certaine falte Al:o- fhles,asaddle learned agree,crept in,who didmake them beleeue, that becaulè the fame ciuill policie of religion fhouldbe there, whichwas among theIewes,betides the puritie ofChriftianifine,went about to intermingle the fuperditions of Iudaifine. The Apoftle thereforefliewet r, that Chrift being come toput away figures, all that maintained fuck daim, moneths, and times,whichthe Iewes obferued, as theywere lewes,(hould obfcure Chrif. The Iewes had their folemne allemblies and convocations, Leuit.z;s. certaine times intheyeere, the firit and lad daimwhereof, they keptas Sabboths to the Lord, of whichPaulhere fpeaketh,and therefore hefaith,ye abferueSabboths,he faith not,aSabboth, forwhich a(furedlyhe is nothere grieued withthem.For Paulhad planted thisday among them,as appeareth s.Corin.r 6. a. Concerning the gathering for the'Ssaints, as Ihave ordained in the Churchesof Galatia,fo dolealf . Wherewe may fee that ancient euftomeof the Pri- mitine Church, which was,that after theword readforthe (paceofan houre,aftertheSer- mon ended,andthe Sacraments adininiftred, manydidvfe togiuenot ofconftrannt, but ofgoodwill tothe poore.Now teeinghehad appoynted the Lords day inGálatìa,it is not like that hee would fo (harply !lase reprehended them for his owne ordinance,as to fay untothem,ehat he feared their backfliding from thetruethby it : but rather ofchofelew- i(h holiedaies,wltich being peculiarunto theIewes,had their beginning and their ending with them. And ifwee fay,that that day fhould not bekeptfor a ceremonie,bnt forneo- ther,that were notto abrogate but tochange the ceresnonie: ashe that drippinghiinfeite of one fort of clothing, and for pride inuefteth himfelfewith a new lute, putter, not a- stay but chaungeth hispride : or as lee thatofa filtltie lecheris become a covetous miter, riddeth not himfelfe from linne,but changeti from one fateoffinne,whereofhe is wearie, to fomeothher. The Papids therefore, though they liane not the faine dates, yet having newdales intheir dead, ham not abrogated, butalteredludail'me.lufíinns Martyr afhr- meth,that they had noholie day butone in the Primitiue Church. He fpeaketh then flat- lyagaiuft theceremonies,which by the eternitie andperfe&ion ofChrift hisfacrificeare abolifhed,Heb.g.and t o.Our fird fatherAbraham,whcn he beleeued,receiued circumci- finnasthefealeofhisfaith, towhichBaptifineisfubrogatedvntoChriftians.Theparti- cular fgne that appertained to the poderitie ofAbraham, is gone : but the waterin Bap- cline dothappertame toall in agenerahl equitie. Likewifè as the Sabboth did putthem in mindeoftheir deliuerance,it is gone: but asby itwerememberChrift his refurre&ion, we retaineit. To conclude,the Apodle meant, not in thisplace that Sabboth,b ut thole holy dalesoftheIewes,wh(chíbeingthebeginnings and endings,the fird day and ladday oftheirfeads wereSabboths. R The