Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

(jraueCounfels 4 He raid toone complaining offudden gripes and nips in the body,of fuddcnfcates in the minde, that we fhould makeour vfeofthem: andthoughkwere hard tofearch the off:ddeñ v- particular caufeofthem, it was both calk and furs to attribute it to our fayling ïh reli- pee aradnlpr gion, innot doingfome good which God required at our hands : orifwecdid it, becaolè ntr ëe eeie, we were too ceremoniall,and reftedinthe thing wrought. Ifwe haue failed in notdoing, andfearee in it maybe the Lord called, vs to fame thing to be done. Againe, by thelè Faddenfeares thheminde andgriefes, the Lord will fometime prepare a nay to come votevs,not much vnlikc to a Prinec,whobefore his c omming bath a Pealeof gunnes as a warningpeece,and thenwee are to r,;eece the Lord with prayer : for now isthe time, now is the fit oportunitie ofpray- ing, becanfe the Lord will fhortly paffe byvs, and thereforewee mutt Itirre vp our (clues. Andhoningpraged, it isgood to makean holyperfect after him, as lay inga godly claime tothe proig fey of Godmot iu particular,but engenerall : for who knowethbut theLord, what isgood inparticular for our faluation.Herehe ¡hewedby hiso wise example,to com- mend the aleof prayer, how he being once feared withdecemrable and grivelons vi (ions, -Ile called towinde (beingalone in the darke night ) the vnbelcefe ofthe Dtfcipics otíthe Seas,where our Saviour Chrilt was alleepe :'then lee askedhis owne foule whether he had Prayer. prayed orno, or whether inpéayer, hemade icorfoncehafieout ofit,as beingdefireusto be rid ofic.Titen coufideringthat,he gauehimfelfe to God,whowasthe Lord of thenight as well as of theday, ofdarknes,aswell as of the light, he prayed againe, and to the praife ilept more quietly,then after Ise did fo Brine infaithful 'prayer. aaljli(lians s Inafdiaionswee mutt fearch the caufe: Brit b,yafcendingto God, thenby defeen- todcfceud i,¢0 ding intoour fèlues. Firft,wee muff afcend to God pleadingguiltie,crauing mercie,and ."01"6-'d not Rand quarrelingwith themalice of men,or hatredof thecimril againil vs : for as it to fiend to were no good wifedomeforaman,condemnedtodye,toinakeanylongfiiitetothelay- Ged: Uctü.go:r,z; lor,orto theexecutioner,(forthey bebut vnderofficers and can donothing)buthemutt ;.q. labour todie Iudge,who caneither reprieueor releafe him: fo it is no good polictetoBand Simile. about Satan inour temptations,wbo clods all byconftraineandreft raincvnder the Lord: but themuff goe to theprincipall,tbat is God, inwhole hands are'both the cnterance,ttte continuance,and the iffctes of our fùf Brings. Secondly, wee mull fearch our felues,how vhe di,seltcan farce either reafon is vnreformed,or affeeîions vnrenewed: knowing that thedivell him- ccci oCtvr,till rea- vve fon tor curafsifitionsdifordercd, in thatme-aforeare eveweake, and callertobe o.arfetder p ouerchrowne of mentorof Satan : and in what meature our reafon is found,and our rffe- eefionsfi:.cere,in thatmeafureweremaineìnuincible. Before, and in allwe mutt sc dpray tieat theIpirit may be giiten vi,that weneitheradde nordctrael,that we goynot toofarce, nor . come too Blom 2h, ero edud, 6 lfGodbellow goodgifts on aman,itwere good to feele Ioniccroffetofealeandfea- fealear dfeafon fonthem in vs. If'Godglue vs foodeand raimene,itwere good to be exercifed with fame Godsgraces cro(îè. idas. 7 He that will hatecomfort in his triall and trawls, mud haue agooci confcieuce, a found caufe,and mull be fore that hebathvied and dotie vfe found,dttcreete,and louing meanes. 8 We mullnot likefOoles Bumble at die croffe,butprofit bythe grace offered to vs in it,by repentingourformer Batepall,and bygiuing thankes forour It ate preient,andfea- ring our Bateto come. 9 It is a great corruption inmen,tobe more grieu.-l when the crolie privatlytoucheth themfeiues,thanwhenpublikely is concerned, thewhole Church and common- wealth. to Being in greatpainsandmires which Ise fulTered,he fayd,Blef ed he God that I fuffer nosnore :tor the Lord that in mercie laieth this of i &ionvponme,míght sadlypu- nidr me in my foule and bodiceand calfme into hell, andas Toone haue taken awaythe lifeofmy fouleand bodie,as thisthing, r.cC;aozdïna- se To one complaining that his afiltions were extraordinarie, he anfivered : It is lie affi tmien in not fo,for your affltáionsare farce inferiour to your finnes : and therefore howfoeuer it appearance. feemeeh toyou to bean extraordinarie afiltion,yet withGod it is but ordinane,or lefíè than