Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

andgodlyobferuations. Ic washumbled ;10 that vista! that he Wasprepared with tome new gracefrom God,hee was vnft toreceiveanynew mercie at the hands.ofGod. z Deadnes of the fptrir, is the graue of many !seam nly graces. D,aa ine. Ecaufeinseadingofexampleswee rellraine duties tocertaineperfons, and wring ourownenecke out ofthe yoke, orelfewe chiefly tye the mercies ofGodto them, Ryles cancer- . and thinke they appertaine not to vs; it isgood to learnecertaineruleswherebywe may alagdofirioe knowwhenthe vfc of the doElrineis general!,and whenparticular, which is let dòwne in dra-w" from fi'ngular examples. Threertflesare to beobleraed : &rft,if wereade ofany thing inparti-eaarapter an cular,we are to fearchwhether infome otherplace in the Scripture, the fain thingisnoc sc> pr re. let downgenerally,thatis,whetherthat which is cornmended,ordifcommended iñ fome proper perlon,be notcommaunded or forbidden toall : ifit be, then thevfe of that is ge- nerall,not particular:but ifit be aparticularprecept in ioyned to forie one, and no war- rantfoundin thewordof that to bedoneof another ; then it is athingperfonall, proper tofome,notgeneral] appertaining toall. Thefecondrule is ,thatwherefoeuer there is a ge- z nerall equitieofa thing,there is a general praflife to behad,howfoeuerwefee it fet dowse burin particular. The third is, evhercfoeuerby the fcopeofthe place there appearesa ge- 3 nerall drift,eicherby fonce thinggoingbeforeor comtntngafter; though the prefent place feemeth tobeparticular,yet thereis a generall vfeoftlie dó&rinetobegathered out of it. Exertfsöfreligion. Hewicked that dare not boldlyprofe fiè iniquitie, redeeme times fecretly to commit it : fò though wee liaisenot the ftrength toprofefle religion pnblikely, yet let vs redeeme tunes fecretlytofrequent the exercifes ofgodlines. o As it is but afrallpleafure,fo long as weeare inthegarden ,tobedeligh- simile. redwith the find!of hcarbes,vnletle wegather ofeuery kinde force toCarriewith vs, that fo wee mayhaue the benefit of the garden, thoughwee be farre from it. And asit is but a final! comfsrtto be rauilhedwithfweetcodors,fo longas weareintheApothecaries fhop, and afterwardto cvantthem : fo it is buta flattering ioy, nayrather a darting boy, no Ion- oftarting gerto.beaffeeted With the word and relgionthan weeare tn the Church : thereforewee ioterand ef mutt gather hereand there,thatmay worke on our affeflions whenweehe farce fromthe feMars to the placewherethey grew. wordvrh,rh 3 Wemuil vfe all exercifes ofreading, hearing,conferring, praying,.fingingand me- fzÿ ¿¿e rub are ditating : but wemullnot tye theworkingofGods fpirit co any oneparticular. in thechurch. Experienceoforsreorreeption. r EfhallneuerbebroughthungerlytofeekeafterChrift,vntillweecomebythe V lait preceptito fee and fede ournaturali corruption, wherofwemutt nor only haueknowledge,but experiencealfo,as S.Paul had,Rom.7.Nowwhereas the Papillsfay , Seehefreof that thiscorruntton is a finnein thevnregenerate, butnot in theregenerate, we lay it is a currnptian finne in both. 1 fay a bare knowledge hereof is notfuffrciene : for enema the knowledge of inC. our corruptbon,isnot withoutthe corruptionofa priuie pride. Faith. T is harderto beleene in the abundance ofworldly meanes, than it is in the wantofallmeanes : for thesheaves are as itwere, vailes fet betwixt God and vs,they flayOutfight in them that it cannot pearce toGod. z As the arosebeing foundlyknit to thebodie,reéeiuethpith and ftrength simile. fromchcbodie to ref{lall eoül,and to drawall good thingsvnto it, and beingbut out of ioync, and thefinewes which did knitit to the bodie beingloofed, tt bath no filchforce to perforate duties ; foour faithbeing the manesfpiritually to ioynevsvnto theLord, wee receiue