Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

TheEpift1eDedicatorie. pofieritie. Oneof tehiebafter ayeeres traue11 inthe forcing and education, coatedand attired (in thebent manner thatJ can) andnoie able tofjieake dttltìtËilyand comfortably the f thers mindeandmeaning to allithe f twilltonnes anddaughters of God in ourChurch; here y doe in loue vnf i teedunto him, anden deetie toyour Honours, humbly prefent ¡untoyour Honourable protention. ftbe holyGhat thought good, to commendhis great andmandiurne oracles (whichhaue afngularkindeoff jiirit,lefe,andpoliterin them,knoien Lúk.r+ to al1truebeleeuers) to the Churchandpeople of God, under the patro- ''i°b''' nage (as ititere) of honourableandvertuousNobilitie ,( for that fn/ere- ours neglent men the bell things, which their Supereours feeme leffe toac- count of, andexamples doebeft preuaile with vnbeleeners:) No maruell (right honorableLadies) iftheferuants ofGod defire the likefanourand patronagefor their labours,euen oftholewhom theLordbathletasbright fhiningflarresamong men. TourHonours (hall finde inthisfr1i portion of thisworke a deleníable andcomfortablevarietieofgraue experiencedcounfels,ibh. ichmayfern as preciousremedies (ßòifelt' applied) formany euils, andholydireftions for thegoodgouernmene ofa Chriclian life,andmoatdinine rulesgroundedvp- on Scríptures,andwellapprouedby his longprafti ,feruingwelltoappeals the rage, and to quench the fcorching flameandfieriedarts of the 'whichfotorment allPoore deflrefedconfciences inthis life. Such experience andgood liking haueyour Honours hadofthis man of God,ofhisgodlinesandgrauitie, andof the manifoldgifts ofGod in him, that recedefayno more, asanyway doubting ofyourHonourableaccep tation;,fhaue been bold thus toknit yourHonours together inthis oneé pifile,.becaufe Jamweafuredthe ¡ iritofgrace bath knit your hearts together,inhis f eth andfeare: andfor that youwere fo knit together in lose an f inedto thisholyferuant ofChrif:This worke then J com- mendauntoyour Honours,andyourHonoursand it,tothe goodbleflingandholyprotefion of the Almightie. .Tour11H. tocommaund: HENRY HOLLAND.