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Hitory of f the Puritans, examin'd. i 5 I And Mr. Csllier informs us, ' * That in that very Sermon he makes a Tragical Complaint ofPerfe- cution in the Counties of Norfclie andSuffolk: That in thofe Counties, (where UÑrenn was nowBifhop) they had made the greateft Havock ofgood Mini- ' ffers, that had been known wiehin the Memory of Man; that V.-reefcore were already fufpended in that Engle Diocefe: And by Chriftrnas next, be- twixt Three and Fourfcore more, muff either take leave of a good Confcience, or elfe be thrown out of their Function and Subfiftence. And fait- ' ly, that in all Queen Mary's Reign, the faith- ' ful Minifters of Chrift were not harrafs'd to this degree, in fo Ihort a time, in any Diocefe, or in the whole Kingdom. Wrenn, to wipe off this Calumny, and refcue himfelf from fo ugly an Imputation, order'd his Regifters to be exa- mined : And upon infpeding the Records of his Court, it was found, there were not aboveThirty Clergymen, Le&urers included, that lay under ' any fort of Ecciefiaftical Cenfure. That of thefe, Sixteen were fufpended ; and of thefe Sixteen, Eight had their Reftraints difcharged, and were referr'd to further time of Trial. Burton's Cla- mour of Perfecution might be difprov'd. through ' feveral other Particulars : But this may be fuffi- ' cient to difcover what Credit is to be given to this Reporter.' Thefe two Sermons were anf eer'd by t Dr. Heylin. But to Phew how worthy this Divine (who alrea- dy has been prov'd guilty of Leafing) was of * Collier, p. 771. Burton's Sermon, entitled, For God, and the King, p 6 -. -1- A brief and moderate 4nfwer, to the Seditious, and Scan- dalous Challenges of Henry Burton, late of Friday-Street; in the two Sermons preach'd by him on the th of November; and in his Apology prefix'd before them.. By Peter Heylin, London, 057. Penes me. L4 Mr®