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I6o Mr. NEAL's II' Vol. of the and the Ecclefiaflical 7urifdiï7ion, invefted in the Crown ; which we are faid to a& againft, by is holding Vifitations, without a Commiffion or Patent under the great Seal. Three things, the chief ObjeEions may be reduced to. ifl, That our holding Vifitations without Commiffion, is c againft the Oath of Supremacy. 2dly, That it is againft a Statute ftill in force, i Edward VI. 2. ' 3dly, That all Ecclefiaftical Jurifdic`tion is taken away, by removing the High Common Court, onwhich it is faid to be founded. Firft, As to the Oath ofSupremacy, there can be no Queftion, ' whether we do own the King's Supremacy, as ' expreffed in that Oath, fince we have all taken it, and are uncapable of exercifing any .Ec- ' clefaaflical Jurifdi&ion without it. We all fub- fcribe the thirty-feventh Article of our Church, wherein the fupreme Government in Ecclefiafti- cal, as well as Civil Matters, is declared to be in the King. And therefore, we do own the Right, Power, and Authority, from whence this Jurif- diEtion is derived, to be in the King as fupreme Governor: for we renounce all foreign Jurifdic- tion, we challenge no independent unaccountable Jurifdiction ; therefore there is a real owning the Derivation of it from the fupreme Power lodged in the King; for all Jurifdi&ion muft either be abfolute and independent, or limited and deriva- tive. There is no Colour for laying, that we pretend to an abfolute Power, and we cut off all foreign Jurifdidtion, in molt plain and exprefs Words ; therefore it muft be derived from the fame Authority, where we do own the fupreme Power to lie. And it is obfervable in Henry VIII. his Time, when the Pope's Supremacy was cut off, yet there is no Provifion made in the Statutes then, that there Mould be Commiffions iffued out in the King's Name, for Men to exercife the Ec clefiaf