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166 Mr. N E A L 4s Ill Vol. of the And in the fame Paragraph, Lord Clarendon adds, * That 6-,ere was fometimes preached there at Whitehall] M:: ter very unfit for the Place, and very fcandaIou. 'r the Perfons who pre- fumed often to dee:rmine things out of the Verge of their own Profeflion, and in ordine ad fpirítua- lia, gave unto Ceefar what Ceefar refufed to re- ceive, as not belonging to him. But it is true, (as ' was once laid by a Man fitter to be believed in that Point than I, and one not fufpe&ted of flattering the Clergy) that if the Sermons ofthole preach'd at Cnurt were colleC ed together, and publiflied, the World would receive the belt Bulk of Or- ' thodox Divinity, profound Learning, convincing Reafon, natural powerful Eloquence, and admi- rable Devotion, than has been communicated in any Age lince the Apofrles Times.' Neal, p. 29 7. Mr. Lilburn, afterwards a Colo- nel in the Army, for refs f ng to take an Oath, to an- frier all interrogatories concerning his importing and ublifhing feditious Libels, was fined 500 1. and to be h1? t through the Streets, from the Fleet to the Pil- lory before Weftmin{ter-Hall Gate. While he was in the Pillory, he uttered many bold and paSionate Speeches, again¡t the `.l'yranny of the Bifhops. This Lilburn was ofa furious and ungovernable Spirit, as appears from his Writings. j ' The Church of England ¡lays he) is a true whorilh Mother, and you are one of her bale-begotten ' baftardly Children ; the Church of England nei- ther is, nor ever was married, joined, or uni- ted to Chrift in that Efpoufal Band, which his ' Churches are, and ever ought to be ; but is one of Anticbrift's natiopai whorifh Churches, united, ,joined, and knit to the Pope of Lambeth, as Clarendon's Hiftory, Vol. I. p. 6o. } Li t'urn's Anfwer to Nine Arguments writtefl by T. . 1653. p.. . _Penes one. yq 6 ..4 °uf