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Hí oy ofthe Puritans, examán'ef z 89 and Pleafure.' * ' By which, fays Bithop Kennet, they gain'd their Ends of Time and Popularity, ' and even Pity from their Enemies; but all the while their Preparations were fo increafing, that the King thought it neceffary to 'march towards the Borders of Scotland, &c.' Neal, ibid. Both Armies were to be disbanded, &c. Accordingly the King difnifs'd his Army, but withvery difob aging Circuníftances, not giving the Nobility and Gentry fo much as Thanksfor their Afetlion, Loyalty, and perfonal Attendance. t ' The King's Army, by the very Words of the Agreement, was not to be disbanded, until all thould be executed on their parts ; and the King at that time refolved to be prefent at the Atfem- bly at lead, if not the Parliament : but the Im- patience ofall was, fuch for Peace, that the King's ' Army was immediately disbanded.' Neal, p. 335. The Scots delivered back the King's Forts and Caflles into his .Majefy's hands, but wifely kept their Officers in Pay, till they Jaw the Effea of the Pacification. What a Clamour should we have had, if the King had done fo ! no Words would have been thought fevere enough by Mr. Neal, to exprefs his Refentment. But what would have been a Crime in the King, he cannot account fo in his darling and beloved Covenanters. Bishop Kennet informs us, (p. 92.) That the Scots kept all their Officers, and as many of their Men as they thought fit, in Pay; and profecuted all thofe,who had not shew'd the fameZeal in their Covenant, and entred a publick Proteftation a- ' gainfl the Bifhops, &c. So that by the time that the King came to London, it appear'd very plainly, that the Army was disbanded, without any Peace * Bithop Kennet's Colle&ions, Vol. III. p. 91. Clarendon, Vol, I. p, 92. made,