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84. Mr. NE A ì's I1 Vol. of the laß Reign, `That no Faith is to be kept with Parlia- ments. However judicious his Writer may be in other refpeas, this is no Proof of his Judgment, but a plain one of his Difafieaion to the Royal Houle of Stuart; which; I take for granted, gives him not the lefs Favour with Mr. Neal. And I beg of him ferioufly to confider, "how far this pernicious Maxim is applicable to himfelf, and whether in one fingle Inftance, throughout his two large Volumes, he has kept Faith with any one Perlon, who has difcovered the leaft Zeal for the Church Eftablifhed. Neal, p, 164. The titular Bifhop of Calcedon, by Letters, dated June 1, z 625. appointed a Popifh Vicar- General, and Zrchdeacons all over England. And what does all this prove ? Not the King's Connivance or Cónfent, I hope, as he would have bis Readers believe ; for the contrary appears, the King having iffued a Proclamation for appre- hending him, which our candid Iiiflorian fhould have taken notice of, and 'tis as follows* ; A Pro- clamation for the apprehenfion of Richard Smith, a Popifh Prieft, filing and calling himfelf the Bithop of Calcedon : Forafmuch as we certainly underftand, that Richard Smith, an Englifhmanborn, by Profeffion a Popifb P ieß, now is, or fome Years paft bath been in this Realm, and here not only perverteth our Subjects in their Religion, but doth alto by his Writings in print and otherwife, and by his continual Practice, perfuade thole our Subjeéls, to whom he bath accefs, from their Allegiance to us their Liege Lord, and ufurpeth to himfelfEpif- copal JurifdiEtion from the See of Rome, and ex- ercifeth the fame within this Kingdom, and hold- ' eth continual Intelligence with our Enemies ; * Rymer's Fcedera, continued by Sanderfon, . Vol. XIX. p.6. fuller's Church-Hiflory, Book xi. p. 132, 133. whereb