Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Teace by Chrifi. , 13 his owne luOEOVercome, and calf downe, then to Ifrael, to fee `Pharaoh and the Egyptians lye drowned before them in the waters ; this gives them occafion in a holy and tri- umphant manner to fay, the Lord bath triumphedglorioufly, the horfe and the rider loath he throwne downe together : He cannot but rejoyce in Chrifts comming that partakes ofthe victory comming by him. Heatrely In regard of the fpirituall and heavenly peace hence ',wiling ; a. ce to the foule : Glorias comming to the foules of men in the Y`° Gofpell, is like the comming of: the Dove to Noah, with an Olive branch in her mouth, certifying the foule of the abatement, and removall of Gods wrath, of the fppeedy de- parture of the deluge of prefent fbrrowes , and the happy returne, and re-appearance of fpirituall and heavenly com- forts. Here Chrilc as a bright and fhining Senne, difpels the clouds of furrow from the foule. Here, Chriec as a valiant Captaine, removes the liege, which the infernali Princes Iof lo,G. lay againft the foules of his ferlants, as 7ofhnah drove the Amoritifk- Princes from the Clibeonites : Here Chrift as a zhyfitian heales the wounded confciences, and binds up the broken hearts of his children , as he fometime healed the difafd woman whom no Phyfitian could cure: :Here Chrift as an abfolute Commander appeafeth the inward ftormy troubles of the heart , as by his voice he appeafed the ftormy tempeft and gave a calme to his Difciples : Mac.e.s6. Here Chrift as a King of mercies alTares the foules of' men of the pardon of their Pinnes, and gives" them the fence of his love, and fo fils them with feet and bleffed peace ; therefore Chrift is [tiled a Senne of b Righte®ufneffe appea- ring With healing in los ,Oings ; in the wings of his ordi- nances without, and in the wings of his grace within, and it was prophecyed of him that he Gould e preach good c IIa.6t.i. tidings to the meat, bind up the broken-hearted, proclaims liberty to the captive , and open the prifon to them that are bound to comfort all that mourne, and God hath cre- ated the fruit of the lips to be a peace, to be the inftrument a Ifa,i7.19. of peace , and the Gofpell is called the Gofpell of peace, for the, Author of it, the God of peace, for the Subjei of it, b IYIa1.4.x.