Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

C'xoture emptj:,rincomfortab1e,exthralling,pollutixg, the houe of the fdule, and their going, andcommit*, and travel' of the creature will quickly make a very uncleane Gen.34 Y. and filthy mule ; Dinah went out from her fathers houf Law g)):ritu- to fee...the daughters of the land, and Sheehan woke Iierand aiium boperu.n. defiled. her ; Man fteps atìde, goes out froid Chrift , new Bail.` leéìs and leaves Chrift , abides not clot with Chrift , but lets his eye, his thought, his heart upon the creature, and the creature takes him, enfnares him,.and fhamefally defiles him ;. it .defiles his under:ganding with errour , duff blinds the eye' of the body, the creature, the did of the wOrld l, x i Tim 6, 10. duls and blinds the eye of the mind : The love of X rtioney Ifa.597a (faith Taxi) is the root of all evill, vrhich_mhile fome haveco- veted after, they have erred from the faith : It defiles his thought, his ,thoughts are thoughts of iniquity, wailing and deftruc`fton,. thoughts of injallice and' opprefwn,thoughts ail 10..6. of fraud and treafon, thoughts of pride andfelfe-admiration, thoughts of carnall confidence , and flethly contentments; it defiles the heart of man with covetoufncff : Thine eyes and thy heart : (faith the Lord to yehoiakxn) are nor boa :for thy covetoujneffe, and for to 'bed innocent blond, andfor opere,!= , fion, andfor violence to doe it it defiles the .affelhons with covetous nn s1ä idolaterl(faitht Saint Paul)and the adul- terers and adultere(fes (faith Saint lames to filch as embrace not Chrift, but the creature) kioroyou.not that love of taNaxfuavi- the world it enmity With god, and that he that is a friend to rtes, z7 infru- the World is an enemy: to Ç¡od. The world fils that mans foule auofus caber, with moff ihamefull uncleanneffe, that embraceth not the qperperupe I1Pii- Lord Iefus ; therefore as is an feeing the emptineflè of tlraer, di^ culo¡a: Tzthlimi- her bottle, came readily to the foutt,taine, r as the mariner tas: initiunfine feeling the ternpol and troubleforroeff of the feas, comes providentia .1i- willingly to the haven ; as the Ijraelites feeling the cru- nucumpænï elty of Pharaohs task -mailers , and the Infitppórtablenafe ofhis burtliens,willingly embracedMofs ; and as the difeafed woman feeling the loathfomneff. ofher bloudy iffue, andha. virtg .experience of the vanity of all Phyfitians came gladly unto Chrift : fo we feeing the emptinefle, feeling theun- comfortablcneff , and knowing the inthralling and deli-; hag-,