Hoadly - BX5136 H6

Of CONFORMITY. manymen's minds by the common Enemy; a3 have been taken up and hotly propaga- ted, ¡race the thing it felf was comman- ded, and in oppotition to the Authority by which it was commanded. St. Paul fpeaks offuch groundlefsfcruples, and fuch differences of Opinion andprance as are perfe&ly confident with their joining to- gether in one uniform manner of public4 worfhip : and it is a little hard to argue from what he fays of fcruples of this na- ture, to what he would fay of fcruples which are wholly incontinent with it. He fpeaks of perfons who, for what ap- pears, were perfectly difpofed to agree in the fame Cullom:, and the fame behaviour, at theCommunion; and what he wouldfay of perfons who are not, we cannot judge from hence : but we may guefs by force other places, that he was not fo eale, or indifferent, in the matter of Decency, or Cuflom,in thepublickworthip,asyouwould reprefent him 3 and that it was not his judgment, that Decency, andCuflom fhould always yield to the weakneffes of Men ; but that they thould comply with Decency and CuJlo n. That He was not agOnt} prefcription: relating to the behaviour of Chriíiians at the public4 worfhip , is plain 89